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    A3 vs Jetta

    I'm also following this thread and thinking about a3 vs golf/jetta tdi. I really like a stick shift, and am leaning toward golf highline with manual. Here in Canada though, the tdi VWs have softer suspension tuning, and I think I'd prefer the A3 for that. Ideally I'd like a GTD- bring it here...
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    advice on golf tdi wagon? (newbie)

    Sent you a pm
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    New 5X112 16" 205/55/16 Winter Pkg Fredericton

    Hi, just also posted this on kijiji in f'ton, saint john, moncton, halifax. Decided not to purchase a golf tdi wagon for now, and will keep my old car. I just bought a brand new winter wheel+tire pkg with 205/55/16 Michelin X-Ice Xi2 mounted and balanced on 16" X 6.5 black steelies with wheel...
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    Here's my sob story

    Still waiting to hear back from the insurance company about what they're prepared to do. In the meanwhile, my legacy is back and the bodyshop did do a good job......looks and drives good as new. So we'll see what comes of it all.....and decide whether its worth my time and effort to sue.
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    Here's my sob story

    The more I think about it, you know, my back and neck have never been the same since the accident. Just kidding. I should have just kept the car going in the same direction after the kid hit me and run it into a tree and totalled the car.:) Anyway, we'll see what the final word is from the...
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    Here's my sob story

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    Here's my sob story

    Thanks for the welcome. Hope to post more if I ever actually get to BUY MY VOLKSWAGEN. I'd be curious if anybody here has run into this scenario before and how you resolved it. The only thing I can really prove in court would be that I'm out $1000 for the reduced value of the tradein...
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    Here's my sob story

    So, was all ready to join the VW club, deposit put down on a 2010 Golf TDI Sportwagen. Had a tentative deal to sell my old car (2005 subaru legacy gt wagon), nothing in writing but a verbal agreement with a guy to purchase if test drive checks out. Otherwise, woud be trading in the old car at...
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    First time caller..long time listener...

    Hey, great minds think alike. My other car is a 91 NA miata, and I'm trading my 05 legacy gt wagon for a 2010 tdi sportwagen. Looking forward to a change, but couldn't beat the subaru for all weather and great power. If only subaru's diesel wagon had been out in time.....
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    Snow Tires 17" Goal Wheels 2010 JSW?

    we have extreme winters here, and for icy conditions, you can't beat a studded tire. I use studless, only because the road noise from the studded tires on dry pavement is really loud and I find it too annoying, and some say the studs actually reduce your grip on wet pavement. Personal...
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    Snow Tires 17" Goal Wheels 2010 JSW?

    Canadian wagons don't have tpms, so I didn't need it. I wouldn't pay $188 for the sensors, especially for winter tires, when my $6 tire pressure gauge seems to work just fine. you'll just have to put up with the dash light on through the winter, although I think there is some way of making...
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    How much did you pay? 2010 TDI prices in Canada

    well done, that is about $1000 off MSRP if my math is correct. Manual highlines are hard cars to find!
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    Snow Tires 17" Goal Wheels 2010 JSW?

    You can't beat tirerack for great customer service. I just bought a package from them last week for 16" steelies, wheel covers, and michelin x-ice Xi2 tires 205/55/16, all for about $800 shipped to Maine (I'm in Canada). The 16" will work well and future tire replacements are cheaper than...
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    How much did you pay? 2010 TDI prices in Canada

    Hi, newbie here. Just ordered my new 2010 Golf Sportwagen highline manual, black, in New Brunswick. Managed $750 off MSRP, with the dealer throwing in winter floor mats, dropping fees like "nitrogen for life" and rustproofing, and car coming in December. Even better, as I sold my other car...