Search results

  1. K

    TDI the 1.8T a dog?

    I have a 2015 1.8T SEL now (no ACC fwiw). I love it. Is the gas milage as good? No. Is there a complete lack of low-end torque? A little. My sister has the 2016 (SE I think), and it sounds like these two experiences have improved over the 2015; she claims better milage than me (34+mpg in the...
  2. K

    RNS510 Firmware & Maps Info Thread

    Interested in the 5382 firmware if anyone can share. Thanks!
  3. K

    HID Mods For Our MkVI

    I had a body shop install them because I had gotten into a fender bender where one of the housings just shattered to bits. So they got to deal with aiming them. The ballasts never got mounted, they just sat snug in the engine bay; I'm not sure if that's bad, but it didn't concern me.
  4. K

    HID Mods For Our MkVI

    Still going strong after a year. Here's a quick pic from my phone:
  5. K

    Keyless lock/unlock not always working...

    My car was doing this recently too. Changed the battery and all was well again.
  6. K

    Wiper Blades Other Than OEM?

    Ditto here on the Valeo's (and the source).
  7. K

    Frost Heater FrostHeater with Small Generator

    Good job gmcjetpilot, I like it. :D
  8. K

    Winter Tires

    Running my Blizzaks at 38.
  9. K

    Winter Tires

    I ordered mine from TireRack and they were specifically stated to work with my original bolts.
  10. K

    Winter tires, whos put them on?

    I was skeptical about getting dedicated tires for winter, but did so two winters ago after the testimonials here and I will never go another winter without them; even got some for my wife's little truck (crossover).
  11. K

    What did you do to your mk6 Jetta today?

    Installed a FrostHeater™ yesterday. It was a bit of a challenge for me since I've never really worked on cars, but I did it and it works! :)
  12. K

    Winter tires, whos put them on?

    Usually do mine around Thanksgiving, but I keep thinking that I should do it sooner or later. We also had snow on Halloween and I saw a few flakes this morning too (36ºF currently) - so it is temps that Winter tires prefer. I spent yesterday installing a Frost Heater though, so I'm prepared...
  13. K

    skid plate decisions...panzer or VW steel

    Is the Evolution plate the only one that has an oil drain hole?
  14. K

    Two Noob Questions

    This is a DSG feature, "Pressing the throttle pedal to the floor (hard acceleration) will cause the gearbox to "kick down" to first gear to provide the acceleration associated with first, although there will be a slight hesitation while the gearbox deselects second gear and selects first gear."...
  15. K

    Adding auto headlights to 2011 Jetta

    I removed the jumper to fix that on mine
  16. K

    Adding auto headlights to 2011 Jetta

    I'm working on having the entire instruction sheet translated since I know a few people that know how to read Chinese. On my sheet, both jumpers 1 and 2 are just labeled "Cancel". What they cancel, we don't know yet. Jumper 3, and this is rough yet, says "if not pulled, fog light. if pulled...
  17. K

    Adding auto headlights to 2011 Jetta

    I now noticed that it does act similar to the USP video if the car is off and not in accessory mode. Something else I noticed tonight - and I don't know if this is due to me removing the jumper, or something else I did, or even just normal - it seems to have a dusk mode. I was driving home...
  18. K

    Adding auto headlights to 2011 Jetta

    I noticed that if I flip my headlight switch into the Auto position quickly, the logic module beeps. Asking the eBay seller what this means since the one in USP's video doesn't do that. I'm sure it relates to programming the device, but the instructions received were all Chinese and I'm not...
  19. K

    Tapatalk Plugin > Not working?

    Figured it out - completely my fault! I have an ad blocker on my iPhone and it was set to block Tapatalk pop ups, which I'm sure the app uses to some degree to function. Turned that setting off and all is well.
  20. K

    Tapatalk Plugin > Not working?

    Thanks for verifying to me that it should work. Haven't gotten it working yet, but noticed the same issue trying to add other forums too - so I'm going to try some things and report back whatever is successful.