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  1. R

    VW TDI goodwill package: Offers $500 Visa cards & $500 dealer credits to TDI owners

    Points of order: Status of vehicle is now nonexistant, novelty factor, etc. zilch. Mileage and driveability, possibly longevity will change with fix; Resale now doomed, a boon to enthusiasts, bad for everyone else; Half a "buck" kilobuck really is to help dealers, some of whom are probably...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Rep call Let me make this simple. The TDI is no longer desireable to most people, the dealers in NY Long Island tend to be schmucks, the car now having an image problem is unsaleable except at a huge loss. I like good cars, this has become a crap car. VW could give a fat load about any of...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    VW rep Phone call from VW representative. VW will NOT buy back my car at this time. Dealers in this area NY Metro have horrendous, self serving operations. I'm forced to make trouble for VW, they have made trouble for all of us, even in Germany. Where will this all end? The rep stated that I...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    rep call 11/6/2015 VW rep to call Friday. Subject is a buyback of vehicle. 7800 miles. Failure to launch, banned by two dealers, I want out. TDI now a proven fraud globally. Bought in July: 2001 BMW 325 CI conv., a killer ride, and no pig dealers, just a pleasant, reasonable indy mech. Used...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I agree. Dump the EPA back to the individual states. NOX limit: .07/ grams/mile= worst case UNDER .1 ounce/mile. EPA guilty of silly science. VW wrong, (cheating) EPA wrong. The folks who head EPA are spineless worms. The new substance abuse is LIVING!
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    decision keep tdi Decided to keep: 2014 Jetta TDI Value edition. Owned one (1) year. Brakes are not squeeking, looks nice, decent handling, no fuel costs, etc. A lot of work during selection process. Can't let that be wasted. Will probably go for compensation $$$. Everyone plus his uncle is...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Im talking huge clouds of smoke. Should be able to have THAT truck checked, say a hotline or something. VW was not right, nor was/is EPA. The feds are out in force, draw your own conclusions.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Can sombody check my math? 2014 Jetta allowable limit on NOX: .07 grams. Actual, about 2.5 grams. Thats .9 of an ounce per mile of NOX. Pardon me if I'm not coughing right now. In New York, a CARB state, i was behind a truck belching smoke. If there was true justice, that truck should be...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Are you tree hugging now? Try to get some real fresh air. You are dreaming, big time.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    This "argument" is false. VW conspired under Winterkorn and Peachy to defraud buyers into buying VW 'clean' diesels. There were many competitive choices including gasoline VW models. A house's value may return. A car's merchantability and resale are impaired here directly as a result of...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Thank you. Finally some real applied science. CEO Horn at this week's hearing is obviously just a dealer/factory go between, not a technician.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Very good analysis. A few congressmen are calling for full refunds in some cases, a NY Congressman called for "an order of magnitude" more compensation money.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    11 million all over by VW's own statements. We should ALL get a grip? Nah, no way. Too many opinions out there. Big or small, if you dona play by the rules, we breaka you face.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Many years ago, I think VW was first with a catalytic converter diesel. Anyone recall what year that was? Why did they withdraw diesel from US and then come back with cheater cars? Internal events at VW have to come out sometime.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    A question of TDI practicality I need to get my TDI inspected in NY next month. All i need is an OBD plug in type test. Then, I'm good for another year to near the end of 2016. Why go in for a recall before then? The NOX level is still really low, i have a very light foot, I'll let all this...
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I believe that the UWV findings came public in May 2014. WE'RE LATE TO THIS PARTY.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I agree. Kant happen, put a spring wound motor in em and let er rip.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Good threads here. But ask yourself who runs the EPA? However it now appears that VW is a world cheat. That's just t.d.b.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Well written but perhaps wrong. 1) Sales teams repeated real world econ. to make sales. 2) Clean diesel voodo now false. 3) driveability unproven post fix. 4) resale substantially impared. 5) "you have no grevance" is a matter for the courts to decide, not a forum chat. I wonder if we have...