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  1. R

    Inexpensive TDI EGR Cooler Flapper Valve Leak Fix

    Cheap fix for boost leak at the EGR cooler flap area Thanks for the idea on the cheap fix TDI Farmer, it worked great.
  2. R

    Hissing sound

    :p I'm going to spend a half day today, or most likely all day today on the "El Cheapo" fix as described in detail at the thread above. My packing material will be cut from flat fire retardant material, I think it is header wrap. Mark, it could be...
  3. R

    Racepipe questions

    I can pull anything up on diesel geek. It says there is an error. Even when I click on y'all's provided links it says error.
  4. R

    Hissing sound

    Can I just remove the EGR cooler changeover flap, and flap shaft, and then thread a bolt into each side where the shaft was at, then put it back on ? I want to remove the EGR also. Or should I just take it to a mechanic? And what would be an approximate charge for the EGR cooler flap...
  5. R

    Houston TDI owners

    I have had my 06 Jetta TDI for almost a month. I like it but don't know much about them. It got great fuel mileage on the first tank 42, but now seems to be dropping off (36). There is a hissing noise that I have begun to hear at 1,800 to 2,300 RPM's. should I be alarmed about this noise? The...