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  1. G

    B11 Biodiesel causing plugged fuel filter

    I also frequent the Diesel Place for my Duramax Chevy. There has been some discussion about bio on that site and some have complained that it clogs filters in cold weather, leaving a waxy substance in the filters.
  2. G

    Towing a TDI with dsg

    Anybody here towing their TDI behind a motorhome? I have read that VW says they can't be flat towed but wondering if anybody uses a dolly..
  3. G

    Sunroof Noise and Misalignment – 4th Time’s a Charm?

    You had better hope that the dealer did not damage or plug the drain lines for the top while they were in there....I had a rattle in my sunroof, I found it and fixed it myself.....I learned a long time ago not to let dealers "adjust" things, usually makes things worse...Good luck..
  4. G

    Rattling screw in door panel.. Please help before I go insane!

    Hmmm, I just started to have a rattle in the right rear door area, gonna have to take a look now..
  5. G

    dealer wants me to trade my 09 TDI

    And they "will love you in the morning":rolleyes:
  6. G

    vw's answer to hpfp problems

    I suspect he is telling you what he has been told to say or as Fowvay says, he really doesn't know what he is talking about.
  7. G

    Is the dealer messing with me?

    I agree, at my local Chevy dealer, I know of only one truly certified diesel mechanic....I am relatively sure that this prevails in most dealerships..
  8. G

    Cheap way to drain fuel filter

    Mine has the old style , the drain runs to the bottom, where water settles, easy way to keep water out and to check it once in awhile. That way if the HPFP craps out, dealer can't say it was contaminated fuel...
  9. G

    Cheap way to drain fuel filter

    I picked up a brake bleeder kit from harbor freight today, on sale for $17 and change. Had to use a small piece of larger fuel line to fit on the filter though but with accessories with the bleeder, all fit nicely. Took about 6 pumps and drained 3-4 oz from filter.....took only a few...
  10. G

    "Stop-sale issued for Volkswagen Jetta and Golf TDI diesel models, recall imminent?"

    Checked mine today, I got a new #2 line..Ironically a few days before I got the recall letter I checked the vin# on the VOA site and did not get a hit??
  11. G

    TDI is gone and it's time to move on

    I have to admit, the pump failures have made me nervous too. Unless VOA comes up with some decent fix, I might get rid of mine before it hits the end of the warranty...trouble is the wife loves the car. The other day while waiting for the recall fix at the dealer, I was looking at a 2012...
  12. G

    "Stop-sale issued for Volkswagen Jetta and Golf TDI diesel models, recall imminent?"

    I had mine in the other day for the recall, haven't looked under the hood yet but tech report just said inspected lines and installed dampers. I guess if the tech doesn't see the scratches on the #2 line they don't replace it...they also did a re-flash while there.
  13. G

    Safety Recall 23J9/V5

    Got my letter the other day for replacement of line and dampers. I had checked the recall on the VOA site with VIN# and it was not listed:confused:
  14. G

    Weird Sound when the Air is on?

    Does it sound like the blower fan or the ac unit......either way I'd let the dealer take care of it.....but I had an Accura once that made a really weird sound when the fan was on, took it to the dealer, they looked up under and found a leaf in the squirrel cage, told me it would be big $$ to...
  15. G

    New windshield, sliced a-pillar cover

    Yeah real nice guy, like he did not see the knife slip???
  16. G

    Looking for other owners with the hesitation problem on CR DSGs

    I know there is a slight lag in the DSG on rolling starts but I did not see where anyone mentioned that if the brake is on for a few seconds, the fuel pressure is cut to prevent runaway. This could be adding to the problem...just a thought.
  17. G

    Can you kill a clutch in a mile?

    5000 miles and the clutch burned out?? It takes a lot more than slipping the clutch a couple of times to burn out a decent clutch. Sounds like the hydraulics failed and caused the rest of the damage, the clutch plate is probably soaked with fluid. Was there any fluid in the brake master cylinder?
  18. G

    HPFP Warranty period?

  19. G

    HPFP Warranty period?

    I know its been discussed but can't find it anywhere....In looking in my warranty manual it mentioned 5/60 for engine but does not mention the fuel pump or injectors , is it only covered for the 3/36?