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  1. B

    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Yay!!...actually have a date now, July 13th. After being stuck at stage 15 for ever, and then calling and finding out that there was a problem that they never notified me about, I got reset back several stages and resubmitted all the paperwork. Paperwork was accepted within 12hrs but then it...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Sorry to hear about that. Good luck. Seriously though, does make you wonder why is it so hard to arrange a buy back? Here is the mileage, plug it into a formula, calculate worth, make offer, if accepted make an appointment and done. Almost feels like they are deliberately trying to make it a...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    I think the rules state that so long as the car can be driven back in under its own power you are OK.
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    I appreciate your insight richy, thanks. However, the impression I got when talking to the girl was that it was rejected fairly early on and they were waiting for me. My description above was an abbreviated version, it actually took about 10-15 minutes. Initially when we discussed my file she...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Haha...great point. Maybe I could also charge them a storage fee? Not sure how representative my situation is, but when I talked to the girl today, she said it was better to reset to step 13 and resubmit, than fix the single document that they had a problem with. Apparently, by "resetting" it...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Well I uploaded the new documents and within an hour I am now seeing the green checkmarks again. So does this means they are actually green and approved or only conditionally approved and going to be rejected later? Only time will tell. I've passed the anger stage and am now in the shake the...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    What a complete Sh*tshow these guys are running. ATTENTION ANYONE STUCK AT STEP 15!!! If like me, you have all your documents approved and are waiting for your letter with the formal buy back offer, don't assume your documents are OK. Call and double check. So, all my documents were approved...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    That makes sense. Might also explain why they are holding off writing the letters of offer for some of us. Waiting until closer to the time to be more accurate on the millage (which would fit with what Dive said above). But if this is the case, wouldn't it have been nice for VW or Rice to say...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Thanks for the detailed explanation Dive, I appreciate your time explaining things, but I'm sorry, I still don't buy it. I can understand how a change in the millage estimation can cause a delay in the exact amount owing, but it does nothing to explain why my documents were submitted and...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Well I've been waiting for a simple buyback (no loan or financing, nice and simple) and have been stuck at stage 15 for the last few weeks. No e-mail telling me all the documents were approved, or anything useful. The only reason I found out everything was OK was because I kept checking VGCA...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Well my glowplug light started flashing and the check engine light is on (this happened on Wednesday, but picked up my new car (not a VW) on Thursday. So the golf now sits idle with hopefully enough left in her old bones to get me to the dealer when they finally process my documents (that they...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Thanks Joey, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure if I was missing something. So just have to sit tight then like everyone else and wait for those darn papers to arrive...oh joy.
  13. B

    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    Sorry for being repetitive here but just to be clear, the procedure is; send in forms, get approved, receive letter of offer, accept letter, then drop off at dealer? And the dealer should not be getting involved except at the very end is that correct? Like many of you I'm stuck with all green...
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    If you read further down the comments there is a further correction and it seems to imply that they were indeed referring to the 18th announcement after all. So nothing new expected till Dec.
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    Dieselgate, The Canadian Edition

    The only people who benefit from the delay are VW. Every few weeks I get a notification from them advertising new special deals "$3-4000 off a new vw" type of thing. Funny how their records know enough to contact me specifically to get me out of my diesel and into a new car, but their records...
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    Lower Grille, Fog Grille, and Fog Assembly Replacement

    Thanks again canux. The part should be here Thursday and the weather forecast looks good (sunny and warm). Thanks for the explanation of the screw type. I didn't know they were called that. Always just referred to them as "star head". Just learned something else today...thanks.:)
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    Lower Grille, Fog Grille, and Fog Assembly Replacement

    Thanks for posting. I just realised today that the glass protecting my drivers side fog lamp has been shattered (nice clean little hole in the middle of the glass with cracks radiating out):(. So I just ordered a replacement and was wondering how complicated it would be to fix myself. Seeing...
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    New sets of winter tires is vibrating when reaching ~80km/h

    Just out of curiosity, did you have any snow compacted in the rims that could have thrown the balance off? Doesn't sound like it from your story but just trying to eliminate all the possibilities. Cheers Mike
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    Ontario LSD v ULSD

    Thanks Bruce, Nice to know I'm not crazy :). I ended up finding a nice little petro-can station down the road that clearly had ULSD indicated. One of those nice and clean little places that gives you a little more confidence in their service/quality of product. One of the other independent...
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    Ontario LSD v ULSD

    Thanks Sweeps...that's what I thought but wasn't sure and then started to get a little worried.:o I actually live in Sherbrooke but I am currently down here in Fort Erie visiting my mom. I usually make the trip 2-3 times a year and have done so for about the last 12 years so I know the area...