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  1. D

    Fuel additive poll

    PowerService and SeaFoam!
  2. D

    Looking for a new car

    You guys need to test drive a Chevy Cruze diesel.......and it can be fitted with all sorts of options, from a base model to an LT. I did a test drive about a month ago.....good build quality, comfortable, peppy. Reminded me of my 2006.5 Jetta TDI SE...
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    WHY! Charge pipes keep coming out of intercooler

    Check out these clamps......and spray some windex in the tubes. It helps to lube and seal them.
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    Sound Off on Current Diesel Price

    Paid $2.94 @ Kroger's, Tomball, Texas, 2 days ago, using the Kroger card. That's a 3 cent discount from the regular price. Some Shell gas stations offer the Kroger 10 cent discount on all fuels, but not the 3 cent discount :confused:.
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    What oil next in my 2006 TDI. BRM 1.9l

    Any oil meeting the same specs as VAG "approved" oils are sufficient. If this were not so, then VW would be required to provide the correct oil. And, 507.00 (5W-30) oil is not the correct oil for a 2006 BRM, no matter what replaced ZDDP. You are correct in that 505.01's (5W-40) original specs...
  6. D

    What oil next in my 2006 TDI. BRM 1.9l

    VAG oils are only good for the emissions equipment, not good for the camshaft. And, 507.00 IS NOT backwards compatible to has even less ZDDP than 505.01. Of course one can use that junk and stay with the warranty guidelines.....or one can use an oil with ample amounts of ZDDP or...
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    Amsoil In this Thread only

    I agree todays D2 has much less sulfur and therefore less impact on TBN, but the higher the TBN the better. It seems you agree....DEO's TBN is 10.
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    Amsoil In this Thread only

    AME does in fact meet the ACEA A3/B3, C3 requirements, according to Amsoil (per your link). As I indicated previously, AME does not have VW "approved" labeling, so we agree on that point. However, with a TBN of 12.1, it is superior to VW 505.01 (TBN=8). AME is for all diesel engines prior...
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    Amsoil In this Thread only

    Your link goes to DME....for 2007 and newer vehicles: ACEA E7, E9 As such, it does not meet 505.01 specs. AME (TBN=12) has the same specs as 505.01: ACEA A3/B3, C3.:D We must understand these ratings pertain specifically to increasing the life expectancy of emission control devices, not...
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    Amsoil In this Thread only According to their ratings, AME meets 505.01 spec; A3B3
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    Amsoil In this Thread only

    505.01 = ACEA A3/B3 AME = ACEA A3/B3 It meets specs, just not officially approved by VW.
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    Headlight Switch

    Yep....worked just as you said; good to know b/c of below. For some unknown reason, the stock switch will not pull out to permit the use of the fog lamps. So, it seems I need to replace the switch.
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    How do you fill your tank with additive?

    Yeah....that works out perfectly. No drips, no runs, no spills, no fess.
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    VW unveils Scirocco GT TDI sports model

    $35K? Forgettaboatit......
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    For those who find these things important

    I think we should give Nukes to Iran........:D by numerous missiles!
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    Spot prices for diesel

    Paid $1.77 for D2 @ Chevron FM2920/Muesche Road yesterday. RUG was $1.64
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    Camshaft/lifter wear symptoms

    Proof? here: Or here: Or here too:
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    Three things in life cause all the trouble in this country: lawyers politicans car salesmen They all have the same ethics....they screw everyone!
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    Cam seal issue?

    Ask how the seals were oil or gease is to be used. IMPEX SKU # 272526 CAMSHAFT SEAL UPDATE DESIGN W/O SPRING BEHIND INNER SEAL LIP. 47x10- 2 REQ. **Update PTFE Seal Lip Design, No Spring Located Behind Inner Seal Lip***Proper Installation Instructions Included Must be...
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    CJ-4 oil data and discussion repository

    Seeing how NASCAR mandates FLAT TAPPET cams, it would seem we need nothing else!