Agree with everyone, and the mold smell is probably coming from a wet cabin filter. Sometimes if they get too moist from the AC and ambient humidity, they tend to get a little musty.
My 2013 does the same. Sometimes it's when a notification comes through on the phone, service gets spotty, or if I received a call. Have to agree, it does get annoying.
I would try and verify that heater core. Those are very distinct heater core symptoms. If the leak is small enough it has the potential to not put off a smell at all. As gross as it is, radiator fluid also has a sweet taste. If you're okay with it, you can dab a bit and taste the fluid to better...
the car will automatically run a system check when the car is turned on initially. if the temperatures aren't cold enough to need plugs then the plugs won't come on at all, they're only used for initial starting until your engine is warm enough to create combustion heat on its own
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