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    2013 Passat Low power

    Well figured it out. Started unplugging things, Map caused it to die. Went to EGR. Problems solved. Still didnt set a CEL with it unplugged but runs like a champ. Air FLow is closer but still one is measured in Grams other in Milligrams. wierd...
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    2013 Passat Low power

    I tried the MAF no change. ill try the MAP, although that seemed to be good per VCDS
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    2013 Passat Low power

    So long had this in another thread with no luck. Have a 2013 Passat. Did the timing belt, oil change, DSG Service and fuel filter change and notice it would die when you put it in gear (drive or Reverse) then soon after have super low power, like scary to pull onto freeway power. So far have...
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    Car stalling

    SO loaded up VCDS selected all relevant monitors. Only big one i noticed was the Air Mass actual Vs requested. It is requesting 325mg/s and measuring 8 grams at idle. it stays way different like that throughout the power band. Also noticed the load stays in the upper 90%'s while driving...
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    Car stalling

    So finally got my VCDS for the CAN and hooked it up to do the Transmission calibration. No Joy. Still dies when you put it in reverse or drive unless you feather the throttle. Gonna test drive to see if i can break something i guess.
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    Car stalling

    Piping checked out. Found that the morons at the dealership and slit the hose / pipe that goes from the vacuum pump to the brake booster, i assume when doing my heater core, and didn't replace it. i guarantee that was leaking, fixed that and still no joy. it also seems the throttle response...
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    Car stalling

    Guess i will check my intake piping then. I have scanned for codes its had some this winter that were intermittent but no current ones. thanks.
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    Car stalling

    You get anywhere on this ? I have a 2013 with the same symptoms. Mine seems to work better after it warms up. I commute 120 miles a day and have only dared drive it a couple of times in the last month. It seems to have almost no power on the freeway sometimes. Have checked all the basics...
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    MN Chat Thread

    Oh and yes all the transmissions have the same bellhousing v6 or 4 cyl. At least the b5 mk4 thru b6 mk v ish era. You can bolt a 1.8 trans to a v6 or vice versa
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    MN Chat Thread

    The v6 should have me at about 3k rpm at 70 with my tire size. Not ideal but I’m only shooting for 30 ish mpg atm. A euro tdi transmission is like $2500 so I may do that when this one blows but I will have to see. I just put nozzles on and plan to do the tune before I pull the motor so I can...
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    MN Chat Thread

    Thanks I will
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    MN Chat Thread

    ALH swap into B5 A4 Long time member/ lurker and TDI owner. Had a 2001 TDI beetle since new have 350k on it. Transmission just went out again and can’t justify the $3000 to rebuild it. So in my infinite wisdom / midlife crisis I decided I was putting it in a car I liked. After some...
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    I know this has been beat to death...

    Thanks for the responses. I am not a newbie to the service world, just to TDI's. More load on an alternator does in fact cause mileage to drop, unfortuneatly. Any ideas on this one?
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    I know this has been beat to death...

    Sorry to bring this up, but a search for glow plug code is driving me crazy, there are litteraly 200 posts. I have PO380. It comes on about 20 seconds after start up and seems to bog the whole car down, i can see the headlights dim at night. I have changed the glow plugs and checked...