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    Houston TDI owners

    Christian at Das Autohaus (formerly VDUB Autohaus) is the guru in houston (technically Spring, TX) and is on the list. His work speaks for itself.
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    Mechanic In Houston/Galveston Area

    Yep, If you haven't already, go see Christian. Its is now Das Autohaus....
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    Latest update on my 06 TDI

    The reason Christian recommends using the DMF from the dealer is that there has been a revision to the design of the DMF and that is the best way to ensure you get the latest rev for such a critical part. I just had mine replaced by Christian as well as my EGR Cooler, Front Sway Bar, and one...
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    Trusted TDI Mechanics - By State

    Can we please update the name of V-DUB Autohaus in Houston, TX. The name has changed to Das Autohaus due to VW apparently having a copy right on "V-DUB". The location and contact is still the same. New website is: Christian @ Das Autohaus Das Autohaus 17545 Kuykendahl Rd...
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    Local Mechanic put Prestone coolent in my car !

    I realize I'm late on this topic.... I had a coolant hose start leaking on me about a year ago. I added the "so called" good for all makes and models prestone coolant to top off the reservoir. And watched it change to a brown color. Quickly decided to suck it back out of there before it could...
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    A4 - Water pump - OEM Plastic VS. Aftermarket Cast Iron impeller --- Pictures

    LOL. The trick is to send them a meeting invite to the wrong room or wrong time, and then "accidentally" not send them the meeting update. The old switcheroo. Just play musical chairs in the meeting and then make sure they are the ones left without a chair. chair for have...
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    A4 - Water pump - OEM Plastic VS. Aftermarket Cast Iron impeller --- Pictures

    I will agree with that, one bearing may be better than another for one reason or another. Could be as simple as this: But I did not go with the OEM water pump. They wanted a core or to charge a core fee, which means they are or could be selling remanufactured...
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    what should a timing belt replacement cost?

    Several of us in Houston are now using vdubautohaus. Take a look at the Trusted Mechanics thread. We are attempting to get him added to the list as we believe he deserves it. We believe he is more than qualified. As for going against the generally accepted practice here. I as well as quite a...
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    A4 - Water pump - OEM Plastic VS. Aftermarket Cast Iron impeller --- Pictures

    May I ask, how many miles were on that pump when it failed? Sure would be nice to know how many OEM pumps have been know to cause this level of engine damage. I'm also starting to wonder if there is a higher instance of metal impeller pump failure in southern states where the climate is...
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    Trusted TDI Mechanics - By State

    I consider SKF as equal, maybe even better quality than INA. At least from my experience of them in oil field equipment. As far as the plastic impeller versus metal impeller, I have left my comments on the following thread as it is more suited there. Feel free to comment, but I believe I have...
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    A4 - Water pump - OEM Plastic VS. Aftermarket Cast Iron impeller --- Pictures

    I am resurrecting this thread as a result of comments I made recently on the trusted mechanic thread that sparked some comments. Specifically, my comment about using a plastic impeller pump instead of a metal impeller pump and why I made that decision. This thread seems like the best place...
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    Trusted TDI Mechanics - By State

    Agreed! As for what parts he used on my car, I purchased a kit from and brought it to him. He warned me against using the so called "upgrade" metal impeller water pump as he has had multiple cars in his shop in the past few weeks with locked up metal impeller pumps that caused severe...
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    Trusted TDI Mechanics - By State

    Agreed! Christian at: V-DUB Autohaus 20815 H and R Road, Houston, TX (281) 235-5934 Was recommended to me by another member. I have talked to him quite a bit over several visits and the guy is great! Just had him do a timing belt and water pump yesterday. Definitely...
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    Houston TDI owners

    Thanks aja888! Talked to Christian same day as your post, and just had him do my timing belt and waterpump yesterday. Excellent service, reasonable price! Can't say enough about him! Finally, a mechanic I feel I can trust in Houston! Would recommend him to anyone! Why hasn't he been listed on...
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    what should a timing belt replacement cost?

    Just had mine done by a guru here. I supplied the parts. Total cost was right around $800. My suggestion, stay away from metal impeller water pumps. My mechanic has seen several metal impeller pumps fail (lock up) after only about 15k miles and cause severe engine damage. There is nothing wrong...
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    Do I need this yet?

    I agree, if the timing belt is that old, replace it. Maybe not right this second, but as soon as you can afford to. Rubber in the belt should be getting harder after that much time.
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    Houston TDI owners

    Does anybody know of a good mechanic here in Houston for our TDI's. I'm ready to do a timing belt on my 06 Jetta BRM and I don't want to go to the dealer. The only dealer I trust so far is Jersey Village but I have the parts now that I ordered from idparts a week ago and doubt the dealer will be...
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    Engine Flare, and Rear Seat release issue

    Rear Seat Release Issue Hope someone is out there and will read this! I just had the same issue with the rear seat release this weekend, only this time it is the passenger side rear seat release. It is not locked, and it just will not release and let the seat fold down. I folded down the...
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    Side Curtain Airbag Cover Removal Question

    I am working on my 2006 Jetta TDI. Does anyone know how to remove the cover on the front driverside support beam that covers the side curtain airbag? Can you route wiring behind this cover? I want to route a telephone line from under the dash to the top cabin light area and it looks like I will...
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    What did you pay for your TDI???

    I personally just added a tow hitch to my 06 Jetta TDI. I only intend to use it for my bike rack. And as proof of this, I did not have the wiring harness installed. Many people do this rather than risking damaging the paint with the trunk mount racks, and they are easier to install than the...