Search results

  1. fahrfrompuken

    An actual EGR Delete for All 3.0 TDI Gen2 Engines (CPNB / CNRB / CPNA)

    Really liking this thread. EGR cooler, DPF, SCR will soon all be potholed.
  2. fahrfrompuken

    Oil Bypass Filter on TDI

    I know this is an old thread, but I just picked up a 2006 Jetta TDI and want to extend oil life. Which Amsoil filter setup did you install? Single or Dual?
  3. fahrfrompuken

    Richmond seat covers?

    I understand. Thinking about changing to black seat covers to ensure They all look the same. This 18 year old car with no window tint might need new seat covers anyway. Any idea how the Richmond covers fit? Any other companies that make great covers?
  4. fahrfrompuken

    Richmond seat covers?

    Anyone buy seat covers from Richmond Auto Upholstery in Sugar Land, Texas? They say they can match the color exactly. My interior is tan, so might be difficult to match.
  5. fahrfrompuken

    new injector nozzles for fuel economy

    Is Malone still considered the best tune?
  6. fahrfrompuken

    new injector nozzles for fuel economy

    I’ve had an ALH and several CR engines. This is my first PD. Trying to learn the best way to add some power while keeping or even adding fuel efficiency. This car is a 5 speed.
  7. fahrfrompuken

    new injector nozzles for fuel economy

    What nozzles did you install on the Sprint 520 injectors. I just picked up a 2006 Jetta TDI 5spd with the BRM.
  8. fahrfrompuken

    Thread for Runonbeer (Robby in Austin)

    Anyone know of a suitable Robby replacement in the Austin or San Antonio area? I'm in need of a timing belt on my 2014 Passat TDI.
  9. fahrfrompuken

    Austin, TX mechanic suggestions?

    Talked to Mike from BDTuning today. He was super nice and super helpful. Making an appointment with him.
  10. fahrfrompuken

    Austin, TX mechanic suggestions?

    Anyone still doing good timing belt changes in Austin or San Antonio? I live in Kyle and will need one done soon!
  11. fahrfrompuken

    Malone Stage 2 and DPF delete?

    twildman, who in Texas can do you recommend to do my tune and delete?
  12. fahrfrompuken

    2014 JSW Pano Sunroof Sunshade Idea

    As a side bonus, I had enough insulation to apply it to all of my solid garage door panels. I did not apply to the top level since there are windows there. This should help cut down on the heat soak in the garage too.
  13. fahrfrompuken

    2014 JSW Pano Sunroof Sunshade Idea

    My pano sunroof shade was sagging from the day I bought it (got a good deal on the car) but I didn't sweat it too much. That is until it hit 107 here in Texas. I had to do something about the heat! I saw what Dwray did to fix his and decided to do the same. The 1st iteration was the same as his...
  14. fahrfrompuken

    Texas owners TDI List

    I might take you up on that. BTW, we will be out at Cars and Coffee on Sunday if you are around.
  15. fahrfrompuken

    Wheel upgrade

    Thinking of getting some HD Wheels Autobahn 18x8 wheels. Anyone know if they are a brand you can trust?
  16. fahrfrompuken

    Texas owners TDI List

    Anyone in the Austin area have a VCDS? I have a friend that set my fog lights to "on". I have not added them yet and I am tired of the idiot light being on. Thanks!
  17. fahrfrompuken

    Removing door panels

    That is for the Golf or GTI, not for the JSW. I figured it out on my own without breaking it. You have to remove the lower half of the handle by pulling out. Thanks to all for your help.
  18. fahrfrompuken

    Removing door panels

    How do I get to the the screws behind the handle though? I cannot figure out how to get the trim off.
  19. fahrfrompuken

    Removing door panels

    Anyone know how to remove the passenger door panel on the JSW? I have a 2013 TDI and cannot figure out how to get it off. I did find this write up on how to remove the driver's door, but found nothing on the passenger door panel. I would appreciate some advice. Thanks!
  20. fahrfrompuken

    Removing door card - Need advise

    I need help getting my passenger door panel off. I have a 2013 JSW. Anyone have a write up or pictures of how to get it off? I got the driver's door panel off with no issues thanks to write up I read. PLEASE HELP!