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  1. Mxmaverick49

    bigger turbo, bigger injectors, no tune

    Awesome. The way i was looking at it, it wiuld run normally, just not at peak perfomance. Looks like im goin to dubs on defrost. Thanks alot guys
  2. Mxmaverick49

    bigger turbo, bigger injectors, no tune

    I just installed an S7 turbo and some bigger injectors. However my tune has yet to be sent back to me. Will i hurt anything if i drive it on a stock tune?
  3. Mxmaverick49

    front passenger side "clunk"

    could it be the top shock mount? i looked at mine today and it doesnt look healthy.
  4. Mxmaverick49

    front passenger side "clunk"

    so ive had a significant clunk in my front passenger suspension. normally id go straight to the bushings. except those were replaced 3 months ago. so since i dont have a gopro to see whats making the noise as i drive, i come to you. is it the shock itself? or the top mount for the shock? ive...
  5. Mxmaverick49

    TDI Timing Revisited

    so i just checked my jetta and my graph was only slightly diff than your optimal timing graph. my fuel temp was closer to 90. but the program stated timing was dead on. it did deviate a couple times to "slighly retarded" how much of a problem will this give me?
  6. Mxmaverick49

    maf sensor/ limp mode

    we did break the arm free and was moving with fingertip effort. im assuming i just need to tweak the rod length. i think im just a tad long. been noticing that at top of the gear the power flattens out. like its being choked out. i plan on dedicating tomorrow to throwing the car on my lift and...
  7. Mxmaverick49

    maf sensor/ limp mode

    so ive been dealing with an underpowered and limp mode hitting 2002 jetta. it started when my actuator siezed up. replaced it, reset it correctly, replaced my n75 and most of my vacuum hoses (plan to do the rest) and cleaned my intake and im still getting a overboost signal (and excessive egr...
  8. Mxmaverick49


    i was wondering what the best replacement clutch would be for my car. i plan on upgrading the engine more than 15%. i feel like a southbend stage 2 endurance w/ smf would be my best bet. but im open to suggestions. also neither my father or i have changed a clutch in a front wheel drive car...
  9. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    at this point ill try anything. ill look but it seemed fine when i was pumping it up
  10. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    alright well then im thinking i got sent a bad actuator. when i let off my gas i hear a crunching sound rather than the normal "whoosh". and i set up my actuator exactly the way described in the tsb
  11. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    i put some sealant on the hose that attaches to the vacuum pump. test drove it and it still hit limp. but now im thinking my local mechanic gave me false info. should my turbo arm hit the set stop at 14 in or 18 in. ive heard both so if someone could respond thatd be cool
  12. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    so i hooked up a mitevac to the vacuum pump hose. started her up and the guage shot to 25 in. i wiggled the hose and it dropped to 15 in. thats a pretty big drop im assuming that means that could be my problem
  13. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    i just put in another n75 and it didnt help. anyone have suggestions? ive been dealing with these problems for 2 months and im flirting with idea of selling the thing. please persuade me to keep it by helping me fix the problem
  14. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    ok im lost. put in a new vacuum hose that goes from the actuator to the n75 and no improvement. what now?
  15. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    checked it. it was stuck but we got it moving freely again. i just bought a few feet of vacuum hose. ill check the one you suggested
  16. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    well i swapped my n75 for my dads, (same year make and model) and the problem still persisted. but i also had the actuator set wrong so that could be why. ill check it out again tho
  17. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    also just unplugged my maf sensor and tried driving it. nothin. ran ****tier and hit limp mode
  18. Mxmaverick49

    vacuum leak? n75?

    i have a 2002 jetta tdi 5speed. ive been having turbo problems lately. after replacing the actuator and getting it properly set, im still having problems. i undid the actuator vacuum hose from the n75 and left my mityvac on it at 18 in. i came back 10 minutes later and its at 15in. is that...
  19. Mxmaverick49

    turbo vane actuator adjustment

    ok so i set my actuator to exactly how it should. .005 from the stop at 18in. but it still kick limp mode going up a hill. any new suggestions? maybe im wrong about the n75? like my throttle response is fine but once the engine starts to labour up the hill, it kicks into limp mode. am i wrong...