Posted a thread in the mk4 section, but will no doubt be seen by others if I post here as well. Link to thread:
I need to replace my turbo. All I need is a vnt-15. Someone nearby is selling a new-in-box Kode vnt-15, apparently "made in Poland". Anyone know anything about this manufacturer? Actually made in Poland or just put in a box there? limited info online. Only a couple of mentions in the forums...
After at least 1.2 billion spins my original alternator packed it in. Was on its third pulley. Just under 455K. Unfortunately the head of the top mounting bolt did not stick around for that many km and departed the car at some point. Had to cut the ear off of the alternator (driver side) with a...
It happened! Woo hoo!
The only rust issue I see is the front fenders. I think I'll just keep my eyes out for used ones from a local wrecker or on
Seller was asking $3K. Gave the car a good inspection, figured out what it needed and we settled on $2K. Got it from a seller who did not know what the car is in a place where very few know what they are. So few in fact that it was for sale for over two weeks and only one other person had...
I know that this will amuse/amaze several of you here so feel compelled to share.
I just bought a 2003 Golf GL 4dr to add to the TDI fleet. I simply could not pass this one up. It has 108K on it and is nearly pristine. Oh yeah, 108K km. Not even broken in. Real pleased. Definitely don't come...
I'll be in Phoenix some time in the next month and will be due for an oil change. I would take it to a shop and have them do it, but I'm pretty paranoid about anyone touching this vehicle, even for an oil change. See, it's a 2001 T4 Westfalia California Exclusive campervan I just...
Brought a 2001 T4 California Exclusive across the pond. Thinking of having the ECU reflashed to gain some power after a nozzle upgrade, but reluctant to send away ECU without a spare on hand just in case.
ECU p/n is 074906018C. Bosch p/n is 0281010082, model EDC15VM+V. Are there...
I've recently imported a 2001 T4 with a 2.5TDI (ACV). I bought a Haynes manual from the UK but it's just as good as every Haynes manual I've seen, meaning not good enough to be a reference for major work.
The three-volume Bentley for the Eurovan says "TDI" on the cover, but I can find nothing...
Adapting the system for the 1lb Coleman cylinders is exactly what I have done. I bought a regulator with hose for a bbq and an adapter for 1lb to 20lb (POL). I cut the hose that runs from the EU regulator to the camper, cut the hose that come off of the the new regulator and then connected the...
I recently imported a 2001 T4 California Exclusive from Europe. It is set up to use Campingaz 907 2.5kg bottles, which are not available in North America. I am trying to find someone who has faced this situation before and how they resolved it. Anyone have ideas?
My '03 Golf's 02J.EGR's diff is toast. It appears to me that there are two sources for rebuilt 02Js. Bora and vwtransaxles. Does anyone have opinions on either?
How about a source for good rebuilt ones in Canada? I can not seem to find any. Shipping to the border and driving down to pick up is...
My diff is dying what has so far been a slow death so I need a new tranny. Anyone have an EGR or EBJ code 02J 5-speed available? Also, does anyone know of a shop in MB that might have a rebuilt one?
Looks like exactly what I am dealing with right now. Had my car in to the shop a couple of days ago. Turns out that my diff is shot. There is a massive amount of play and it needs to be taken apart and fixed. The fluid was leaking out the axle seals. At the moment I am trying to figure out if I...
Pops just replaced his '03 with an '11 wagon, so I can no longer share my pail of oil with him. Since neither of us have ever needed to look for 507 oil, we have no idea where the best place to get it is nor what is available locally (besides Castrol at the dealer).
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