Search results

  1. My_name_is_Rob

    Headlight Upgrade for Mk3 Jetta? (fog lights and auxillary)

    I noticed a surprisingly huge difference when I retro fitted fog lights onto mine. I don't know if you have them already, but it was a pretty simple upgrade to do, since all the VW parts essentially just plug-n-play.
  2. My_name_is_Rob

    DMF Going - Questions

    If you do a quick search about an SMF on a mk6 vehicle, you'll probably find that it's a bad idea. Lots of people have had issues after swapping over. As for length of time left, I don't have anything for you. Sorry.
  3. My_name_is_Rob

    IP Shenanigans

    That's kind of what I was wondering though. Is it just dirt that is restricting the collar from covering the bore, and if it is, why isn't it interfering with the sliding action on the rest of the plunger bore?
  4. My_name_is_Rob

    IP Shenanigans

    The only reason for going with a 10mm right away, is because my father already has one. Of course, that all depends on the shape of it, since it's been sitting for a long time now. There only seems to be about a $100 premium for 11mm, so if buying outright that would make the most sense, like...
  5. My_name_is_Rob

    IP Shenanigans

    Well, that's my dilemma. Send the pump off to Giles for a rebuild, or just swap a different Alh 10mm onto it for the time being. The thing I like about swapping on the Alh, is at least all the machining will be done if it ends up going 11mm in the future.
  6. My_name_is_Rob

    IP Shenanigans

    The head also was walnut blasted when it was off, so it is also much cleaner. That's the thing though, there was always fuel in the pump when it was tried to start. Unless maybe it just sat for too long with no fuel in it? Yea, fuel shut-off seems to operate as it should, and I pulled and...
  7. My_name_is_Rob

    IP Shenanigans

    Good day all. I had previously owned a mk3, that I ran for approximately 10 years and about 700,000 kms. It was a great car and took me all over the place on the cheap. It has been several years since I've owned it though, so I am in need of your knowledge, and preferably some second opinions...
  8. My_name_is_Rob

    What app for tracking fuel mileage and maintenance items?

    I also use fuelly. I track my mileage, services, and upgrades on it. I did just find out the other day that I have been using the web app, rather than the mobile app though. I guess maybe the mobile was still in development when I first got it.
  9. My_name_is_Rob

    Traction control question

    I retrofitted a TC switch in my Jetta, and there were several occasions where I was glad that I did. The traction control was great for minimizing spinning, but it killed the engine far too quickly when driving through slush or deep snow up hill.
  10. My_name_is_Rob

    98 Jetta Rear Axle Bushings

    Well, technically I think the rubber on the back end adds to the handling somewhat. The poly bushings would not have as much give, and therefore wouldn't allow the axle to turn as much. Despite this I went with poly on the back of my mk3, as the install was just so much easier.
  11. My_name_is_Rob

    upgraded the clutch and now throwout bearings are lasting about a week to 10 days of normal driving

    I would question the quality of them at this point. What is the failing point on them?
  12. My_name_is_Rob

    Thoughts on tuning a high mileage?

    I realize you're dealing with the mk4 platform, but my experience with my mk3 went like this. ~620,000kms - installed 0.205 nozzles. ~678,300kms - swapped stock clutch for VR6/G60. ~680,000kms - Stage 2 tune after clutch break-in. ~685,000kms - Timing belt failed with 65k kms. I bought the...
  13. My_name_is_Rob

    Happy Holidays!

    Happy holidays y'all. Here's to a great 2022! 🍻
  14. My_name_is_Rob

    Low Mile 2015/16 TDI's about to hit dealers...

    And in grandpa gold... What a hot buy... 🥱
  15. My_name_is_Rob

    Low Mile 2015/16 TDI's about to hit dealers...

    I hope you're right about the chip supply leveling off. I haven't heard much about it recently, but there was a lot of pent up demand in the supply chain, that is felt everywhere.
  16. My_name_is_Rob

    Low Mile 2015/16 TDI's about to hit dealers...

    I would have thought the same, but people are being quite strange with their money these days. I guess when it's as cheap to get as it is, it doesn't matter what the price is.
  17. My_name_is_Rob

    Malone stage 2 install 2013 Jetta wagon.

    Ah okay. I didn't see the delete mentioned and only noticed the requirement to pass readiness checks. In that case, it would be a royal PITA to swap the dpf garbage each time you had to test.
  18. My_name_is_Rob

    Malone stage 2 install 2013 Jetta wagon.

    Get a flashzilla with it, and if needed just flash it back to stock before your inspection.
  19. My_name_is_Rob

    13 Golf 6sp Clutch no pressure, diagnostic help?

    Ah okay. Either way, there is an upgraded TOB that utilizes a metal housing, which should be less prone to cracking, if that is indeed the problem.
  20. My_name_is_Rob

    13 Golf 6sp Clutch no pressure, diagnostic help?

    Did the housing crack, or did the seal blow out?