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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    2014 Toureg TDI Missing from Lists Hi All, We have a 2014 Toureg TDI. It's not showing up on most of the lists but VW's page says there is a coming recall. Does anyone know what the situation really is? TIA
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    Would you buy another diesel?

    Just did. After selling both of our TDI 2003 Golfs back in 2008 we've missed the smell of diesel in the morning and the happy clatter under the hood. Now we have Jetta TDI Wagon -- brand new 2012. So far it's even better.
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    Been away for awhile

    Hi gang, Haven't been here in several years and forgot how much fun this is :D We sold our two 2003 Golf's several years ago and traded them in for a Passat wagon and an EOS. We never lost faith in our TDIs it just got to be time to replace them. We just bought a Jetta wagon -- TDI of...
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    Used TDI Prices Are Insane

    We get letters from VW begging us to sell the two we own back to them. It's obviously a marketing ploy but I've never seen that happen. ::shrug::
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    U.S. Golf buyers too cheap for better cars?

    Update: The Liberty ate a transmission! Like any car we seem to get there's a calamity at the beginning. Transmission failed and it's in the shop for the week. Good thing we have two trusty Golf's including the one that ate a clutch the 1st day about 3 years ago! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
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    CR: VWoA tops the charts !!

    The good folks at VW always make me proud *snort*
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    diesel rabbit

    There's a guy at a radio shop nearby who bought his diesel Rabbit for high school graduation in the early 80's. He's still driving it. It has over 350,000 miles. He's a geek. Looks like he could use a date and something else to drive. Nice guy.
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    diesel rabbit

    I had the little diesel Rabbit pickup in '81. Bought it new for my 'company car'. It's probably still running somewhere LOL
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    U.S. Golf buyers too cheap for better cars?

    We almost bought one last fall. I think the only two options I remember were the 6-disc cd changer and NAV :D . You can pretty much plan on it being about $54k give or take a grand. Sure did drive nice though!
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    U.S. Golf buyers too cheap for better cars?

    We're empty nesters and love the Golf because it's flexible. We don't want to own a pickup and our Golf's can haul a lot of stuff--smelly chairs included ;) When we need a real truck we rent one. Beats owning a two passenger vehicle (with only one person in it) speeding down the interstate...
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    U.S. Golf buyers too cheap for better cars?

    I think American TDI enthusiasts tend to be geeks. We care about our cars, tinker with them and don't take a lot of crap from dealers. Maybe that's some of the push back. Wouldn't you rather deal with mechanically illiterate people with money than wiseguys who know all the ins and outs and...
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    U.S. Golf buyers too cheap for better cars?

    I don't think it was his opinion per se. It was more the kinds feedback he'd been getting from various VoA people. It would be easy to imagine someone in Wolfsburg wondering why anyone would want diesel when gas is so cheap here and coming to the conclusion it's all about money. I recently...
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    U.S. Golf buyers too cheap for better cars?

    Not sure that it is but I intend to find out:D Our Golf's have had lots of small, irritating smallish problems from the start. The first one ate a clutch in one day due to the extreme cold here and the excess water in the hydraulics ;) Then there's the glowplug thing (2 sets on one car in...
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    No 2007 TDI's

    We just bought a Jeep Liberty CRD. I suspect it may be the same problem with Chrysler not being able to meet the new specs until 2008 etc. I'd bet there will be plenty of other mfr's to choose from 2009 and on.
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    U.S. Golf buyers too cheap for better cars?

    Greetings! We've had a pair of 2003 Golf TDIs since they were new and have dearly loved them. So when I finally decided it was time to think of another I talked to my favorite VDub salesguy. And of course he had two sitting on the lot in Candy white, GLS, most of the rest of the features I...
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    No 2007 TDI's

    I suspect they'll push back the ULSD requirement 1 year--maybe more. *Note: I don't like it, approve of it, think it's good or anything else. Just politics in play* VW could simply do the PD version for another year. It's odd how many times I've heard that you can't get a TDI then suddenly...
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    No 2007 TDI's

    I've heard some dealers tell the sales guys to "sell what's on the lot" and in the bigger scheme it makes sense for them to do so. We're such an odd bunch of techno-weirdos: research everything to death, argue over what is the best oil, fuel, tires (did I leave anything out?). Dealers just...
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    Dealership Horror Stories ( Stelaerships )

    I do all the routine maintenance on our two Golf's (soon to be three). It wasn't so much a beef with the dealer as I wanted to return to my misspent youth and work on my own car again ;)
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    03 Golf Gl 5spd $14000, fair?

    I may have one of ours coming up for sale (we live in MPLS). Won't know until later tonight. PM me if you're interested.
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    Indigo Blue Golf TDI 2dr

    I'd like to say that our 2dr blue Golf was in CT recently but it never has been. We all must have a special car!