My 2015 has a push start button. I am trying to program a whole new remote, the old old is too damaged to unlock the car.
I need the new one to start and unlock the car.
I got this remote from another 2015 Beetle.
I am now trying to enter the security part of Module 9central elect, the security code, but it is not accepting code 31347
Does anybody know what code to use?
Thank you.
Hello folks.
Is there a detailed instructions how to program a new key to my tdi using VCDS?
I followed all the videos how to but I ended up deleting existing key. I am not able to program the key nothing happens. I now need to manually lock the car.
Help !
Why Post scan? all I want is log to Engine/Adaptation to change EGR setting . I am having no issues other than the older code is no longer being accepted.
My COM ports where ok, I tried all the COM Ports and all available clusters it did not work. It does not communicate then it times out.
My cluster is from a German TDI VW Beetle.
These seats are from the 2003 VW Turbo S gas version. It is quite rare to find these seats out there, for me, it was a lucky shot at a local Yard. Jack pot!
On that not; the propane is injected after the MAF.
I remember back in 2003 when Saddan Hussein set fire to the oil wells, we had a hard time keeping the bulldozers running slow because it kept breathing natural gas after we extinguished the fire in the wells; .We had engines running on redline...
Here is the cluster I am talking about installed in my Beetle. Lets forget about my initial post showing that old cluster.
This is the one I am having a hard time getting the pin code out of it.
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