Search results

  1. V

    80K mile service?

    FYI, I am in NJ too. Originally planned on keeping until fall but couple mechanical issues are forcing our hand. Have not done any maintenance in past 20k miles. We are returning next week. Can't speak to future but had no issue scheduling. Available once a week at our dealer and checking...
  2. V

    Question regarding Check availability at turn in

    I initially selected check over a year ago, I'd like to switch to ETF but cannot find the option anywhere. I checked all 4 tabs under my account on the claims site: CLAIM PREFERENCES, ACCOUNT PREFERENCES, CLAIM STATUS and PRELIMINARY SETTLEMENT ELECTION. Also, on the appointment confirmed...
  3. V

    Question regarding Check availability at turn in

    Been away from the forums for a while. Long story short due to mechanical fears we are turning in our TDI next week as opposed to the fall. Not sure if anything has changed with process regarding the check as opposed to ETF option. As long as the mileage matches and the amount is correct...
  4. V

    Battery replacement - Is venting necessary?

    Thanks for the help everyone! Started right up this morning and codes were cleared by the time I got to work. I bought the 730CCA version with 5 yr warranty it was the only model in the size I needed they had in stock. As long as it lasts me until 2018 I'll be more than satisfied. Thanks for...
  5. V

    Battery replacement - Is venting necessary?

    2013 Golf TDI Battery completely dead on a Sunday. Need it for work, cant wait until Monday to get an oem dealer battery. Went to wally world and bought a EverStart Maxx Lead Acid Automotive Battery, Group Size H6. Borrowed neighbors socket and after much fumbling around I got it plopped in...
  6. V

    Deadline to accept offer ??

    +1 I completed all documentation and accepted their offer back in November. Don't plan on returning until 2018.
  7. V

    VW TDI goodwill package: Offers $500 Visa cards & $500 dealer credits to TDI owners

    Used dealer card last yeat to buy tires. Plan on keeping until 2018.
  8. V

    Maybe this will bankrupt VW. Get your claims in now, and get your money.

    I'll take my chances. Waiting until 2018 to schedule buyback unless major mechanical issue arises.
  9. V

    Is any one keeping their TDI

    Definitely keeping for the foreseeable future. Have a 2013 Golf with 33k miles. Paid off . Buyback offer of 25.7k. Used the dealership goodwill card for tires back in the spring. I'm going to roll the dice and drive a depreciation proof car for 2 years. Might regret it but the car is in...
  10. V

    Struggling to turn in my "free car" for next 2 years

    In the same boat and wavered back and forth for months. Used the dealership goodwill card for tires back in the spring. Have a 2013 Golf with 33k miles. Paid off . Buyback offer of 25.7k. Going to roll the dice and drive a depreciation proof car for 2 years. Might regret it but the car...
  11. V

    Buyback Scheduling - Only allowing 4 months out

    Received Buyback Scheduling - Limited to a 4 month window In case anyone is interested. I know some were asking how far out an appointment could be made. Received email my offer letter was accepted on 11/9/2016, this is for a dealer in central NJ. Earliest appointment date is 12/7/16 and...
  12. V

    When to upload the offer back?

    Everyone needs to do what they feel comfortable with. I judge not. I wavered back and forth a while. As I noted above I'm willing to take the risk to get to drive a depreciation proof car for another year that I love to drive and still get 25.5k for a 5 year old car.
  13. V

    When to upload the offer back?

    I plan on keeping until 2018 as well. I returned the notarized package this past Friday. I want to keep my options open in case something causes me to rethink my 2018 return and not be at the back of the line.
  14. V

    Got an offer email

    You could drive it until May 2018 if you so desire. That's what I plan on doing before I sell it back.
  15. V

    Got an offer email

    The offer letter for your claim with reference number, *********, for VIN ***************** is now available on the Online Claims Portal. Please click here to visit the Online Claims Portal and view and download your offer letter. Your offer letter will include instructions concerning what...
  16. V

    Got an offer email

    Not sure whether to choose check or eft? Any insight? Please indicate your preferred payment method: Selecting Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) will ensure the most secure processing and earlier appointment options. If you choose to be paid by check and need to reschedule your closing for...
  17. V

    Got an offer email

    Received offer email today, 11/4/2016, at 3:02pm. But I think I've changed my mind and will be holding off on selling back. I'll be selling back but will probably wait until 2018 unless a major mechanical issue arises. I'll take my chances with VW going bankrupt, theft or pump failure...
  18. V

    I'm keeping my tdi for 2 reasons

    I'll be selling back but not until the last possible day in 2018 unless a major mechanical issue arises. I'll take my chances with VW going bankrupt, theft or pump failure. Get to drive a depreciation proof car for another year that I love to drive, get 25k for a 5 year old car. Sign me up.
  19. V

    Poll: Have your buyback documents been accepted

    Uploaded via scanner to pdf: 9/20/2016 Confirmation received: 10/18/2016 Single owner, no lien - title in hand, New Jersey, Last name M
  20. V

    Upload Site Live - Just uploaded Docs

    In case this helps anyone wondering about turnaround time. No loans on car. Have title. Documents submitted 9/20/2016: Thank you for submitting your documents in the Online Claims Portal. Next, we will begin reviewing your documents to ensure that you have provided all of the necessary...