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  1. F

    Volkswagen TDI ALH Vacuum Diagrams (Stock & Modified)

    can someone repost the vacuum diagram when you do an asv and egr delete? thanks
  2. F

    actuator pulls rod as soon as engine is running, limp mode

    had boost troubles when i bought it, the actuator was sticking, the vanes were jammed up, gave it an oven cleaner treatment, still has a slight drag though, maf also had a problem so i changed that and the actuator and put a new vacuum hose that goes to actuator.
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    actuator pulls rod as soon as engine is running, limp mode

    the other tdi boosts good though..
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    actuator pulls rod as soon as engine is running, limp mode

    having some limp mode isssues, i checked to see if my actuator or vane arm was binding and its not that. i looked at what the actuator did when the car was started up and as soon as it starts the actuator pulls the rod to make it full boost. ive checked another tdi alh and it does not do that...
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    cluster problems 01 tdi alh

    i checked on my vagcom and in measuring blocks it tells me what rpm my car is idling at but the signal doesnt get to the cluster? anyone know what color wire that it is that goes to the cluster for the rpm so i can track it back to the ecu?
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    cluster problems 01 tdi alh

    i checked both connectors in back of the cluster. all of this happened after i degreased my engine...
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    cluster problems 01 tdi alh

    alt i checked it and it was charging at 14.
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    cluster problems 01 tdi alh

    when im driving my cluster sometimes screws up, the rpm will go to zero when im driving and the oil light will start buzzing, and sometimes i loose power to my cluster as if id disconect my battery while im driving. does anyone know what would cause this ...
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    changed my 1.9 motor and now it doesnt suck up its fuel

    yea sorry bout that i was readin a french forum loll so i bought a 1996 motor out a td jetta to put in my 1994 golf because i had fuhked the motor up. therefore the motor being newer there were some plugs i didnt have , theres a hose that comes out of the turbo (the 96) and i guess it goes to...
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    changed my 1.9 motor and now it doesnt suck up its fuel

    moteur etait fini faque jmai acheter un moteur dun jetta td 1996 pour mettre dans ma 94, jai changer le turbo pcq javais po les memes places ou les vacuum ce connect. cest comment esceque tu fait pour primer ¿ on a mit du fuel dans la ligne pi le filtreur etait plein...
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    changed my 1.9 motor and now it doesnt suck up its fuel

    so this weekend i finally got around to changing my 1.9td golfs engine, so 2day i managed to get it all hooked up and ready to go but when i start it it runs very low on idle , like 500rpm, then after a little while it dies, its like its not sucking the fuel from the tank.. anyone ever have this...