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  1. J

    Brake Lights DEAD - 05 Passat

    UPDATE: Dealer found a problem in the wiring harness. It was located in the passenger foot-well. Apparently the some mosture had caused the harness to lose its insulation and it was rubbing against the body. Most likely moisture from getting wet in the winter (snow on feet, I guess). I now have...
  2. J

    Brake Lights DEAD - 05 Passat

    Yes, I realize a new one might be bad, but I've never had anyone with this problem say whether their fuse blew when it happened. Update: I got a new switch from the dealer for $11. It was so cheap, I thought I might as well try it. While there I asked a guy in the service department what he...
  3. J

    Brake Lights DEAD - 05 Passat

    Yes, I believe you are correct. My car had that campaign completed, but from what I've heard it was simply a brake switch upgrade to the current version.
  4. J

    Brake Lights DEAD - 05 Passat

    A while ago my glow plug light started blinking and the ESP and ABS lights came on as well. at the same time, someone mentioned that my brake lights were out. So, I naturally went to the fuse box and found that fuse number 13 was blown. My first thought was a bad brake light switch...
  5. J

    05 Passatt with Brake Boost Issues

    Okay, after a little research I see that diesels have vacuum pumps. Can anyone tell me if there are issues you have had with yours. This is my 6th TDI and I've never had problems with them before--even with 300k plus miles on the car.
  6. J

    05 Passatt with Brake Boost Issues

    I have an 05 TDI Passat (Auto) that I've had for about 3 years. It's always seemed to have a slight issue with brake-boost. Particularly noticeable when backing up. Just never seemed to have much grab! For the last couple of months its been getting much worse. In fact, last night I braked...
  7. J

    2005 Passat TDI Transmission DEAD!!

    I must say, I have learned something today. I was caught in the "dip-stick paradigm". You have a point about manual tranies not having them. However, in defense of myself, the dealer told me there was no way to check the level, or at least I understood it that way. You all made some good...
  8. J

    2005 Passat TDI Transmission DEAD!!

    oilhammer: Okay, for all the rest of us (Dip-stick guys) how do you check the fluid? In my opinion no area requiring fluid in a car should be MORE difficult to check, it should be easier. That is until the manufacturer can make it leak-proof!! The mechanic said there are metal pieces...
  9. J

    2005 Passat TDI Transmission DEAD!!

    He said a bearing went out. I need call him back . . . at the time I was a little ticked and didn't hear everything. I drove one of my Jettas 478,000 miles before the fuel pump died. No problems until then. I guess my expectations were too high for this Passat, eh?.
  10. J

    2005 Passat TDI Transmission DEAD!!

    It has 130K lovingly cared for miles.
  11. J

    2005 Passat TDI Transmission DEAD!!

    I am soooo pissed Right now!!!!!!! Should I be? I've had 2 Jetta Diesels and 4 Jetta TDIs over the last 30 years, all manuals. I've loved these cars and had an allegiance to VWs all along. I live in Utah and probably drive 50 thousand miles or more per year and never had any major issues. So...
  12. J

    MAF Bit The Dust [Clogged Intake]

    He is talking about the EGR valve.
  13. J

    MAF Bit The Dust [Clogged Intake]

    This guy was reccomended by other TDI owners in my area. I live in northern Utah and I'm too far from the people reccomended on this site. Anotehr thing I failed to mention is that he replaced the MAF on this same car last spring. Do either of you know about a Mercedes MAF used on TDI's?
  14. J

    MAF Bit The Dust [Clogged Intake]

    Took my 2000 Jetta to a mechanic because it kept stalling on me. He said the intake manifold was stuffed with carbon (or some kind of soot) and he would need to clean it. Actually he was going to exchange it for a cleaned one. He went on to say that because it was clogged it caused the MAF to...
  15. J

    MPG not HP

    How about installing a free flowing air filtration system, adding synthetic lubricants, and run a bio-diesel blend? Anyone have experience with any of these making a difference with mpg?
  16. J

    Best Oil

    I just read several of the posts in this list. Never heard any mention of Royal Purple. I've seen several studies claiming it one of the best. Any opinions on it?
  17. J

    2006 Passat available, not TDI

    Here is a response from Volktalk at VW: Dear Scott, Thank you for contacting Volkswagen of America.?We appreciate your interest in the new Passat. The 2006 Passat will not be offered with a TDI engine.?We regret any disappointment this may cause. Thank you for your submission! Brandie...
  18. J

    2006 Passat available, not TDI

    My dealer said spring also, but only automatics. He said a manual 6-speed would not be available till next fall. I guess he could be full of BS, but he was a diesel geek himself. Time will tell, eh?