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    2003 Jetta GLS in CA $4,000

    *SOLD*SOLD*SOLD* Listed it Friday night and it was sold Sunday morning. 2003 VW Jetta GLS TDi /Diesel: $4,000 NO RUST, Milage: 205,367 Great MPG 42 city & 49 Highway. Front and side air bags, Side curtain Air bags, Front and rear disk brakes, Cold Air Conditioning, Cruise Control, Power...
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    Electric vehicles (EVs), their emissions, and future viability

    Cummins Makes Big Electrification Move This should make a few more folks stand up and take note.
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    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Given VW rigged the software on all these models and more, it is difficult to understand why they never did the same with the Tiguan. Since it first came out, The U.S. Market has been practically begging for a Tiguan TDI. Who within VW did not allow this to happen with the Tiguan and do they...
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    Dealer used wrong oil AND overfilled-AGAIN!!

    Thanks for the specific info. It helped on the phone with the dealer.
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    Dealer used wrong oil AND overfilled-AGAIN!!

    GURU Herm Who is GURU Herm? For my 2003 TDI I typicaly use Leonard Harview "Harvieux" at Wild Rose Motors, Ltd. in Whittier. However, he is 44 miles away through some often bad So Cal trafic. Does GURU Herm have a shop close to San Juan Capistrano? What is the shop called?
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    Dealer used wrong oil AND overfilled-AGAIN!!

    over fill Hello Dieselbum, I got my 09 TDI 10K service today and they over filled my oil. (Capistrano VW Dealer) However, in the Owner’s Manual I have not been able to find the official amount of oil that should be used to change the oil. I noticed you posted oil quantity detail and...
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    Jack Daniels Vw Fair Lawn Nj Used Wrong Oil In My 2009 Jetta Tdi

    09 oil change amount Today I had my 10K service done at Capistrano VW. The invoice states 5 G-052-195-1L, so it appears they put in the propper oil. However, I checked the oil when I got home and it was high. I waited 20 minutes and double checked the Owners Manual dip stick graphics on page...
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    Tiguan TDI ?

    A few days ago I called the San Juan CapistranoCA dealer letting them know I wanted to come in and put a deposit down on a TDI Tiguan. Forty minutes later I got a call back explaining they did not expect to see the TDI Tiguan for about 12 more months. I was very disappointed and surprised...
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    Biodiesel algae

    Nicklockard Agreed. I am all for what they are doing, think it is great, and want to see more! This may be splitting hairs for some, but as you know the devil is in the details. The primary goal is to eliminate any additional CO2 in the atmosphere and thus minimize the global warming...
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    Biodiesel algae

    MrErlo, I recommend you check out this web site. While I do not expect them to give you the details on growing algae in your back yard; they are currently the most commercially viable algae enterprise I know of. The brains behind operation came out of MIT and...
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    Greasecar kit install

    Hello kwong7, I would like some information on this. How do I get hold of you and see if this event is going to take place or not. I live in South Orange County, so Huntington will not be an issue for me. :)
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    Toyota's D-CAT (Diesel Clean Advanced Technology)

    Toyota\'s D-CAT (Diesel Clean Advanced Technology) Not sure if many of the North Americans are up on what folks across the pond can or will get to choose from, but these engines being produced by Toyota in Poland have some very impresive numbers. Below are 2 links for you to get more...
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    Walmart diesel any decent?

    I refuse to buy anything from Walmart. If I were to shop at Walmart it would be for cheap veg oil to make bio-diesel. The veg oil being one of the few product they have produced in USA and not in China.
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    Bush will tour VA Biodiesel Refinery 5/16!

    It`s up to us fellas, waiting around for government to make the move towards a safe, sane, and sustainable personal transportation system is futile. I agree "it's up to us"! All of the US should have a bigger focus towards energy independence. However, one should not discount the importance...
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    Bush will tour VA Biodiesel Refinery 5/16!

    Bush will not do anything that will threaten the record profits currently enjoyed by the oil companies. He is going to the biodiesel plant, so he can get the other 99% of the bill and its oil, gas, coal, nuclear and electric utilities industry perks passed by the US Senate. Because of these...
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    A good book on Biodiesel

    Hello: Just purchased and started reading "Biodiesel Growing a New Energy Economy". I am still in chapter 4, but I recomend the book because it has told me much about the history of Biodiesel I did not know, and I still have 8 more chapters to read. I got my copy from AMAZON.COM Author: Greg...
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    Effects of chip on emissions?

    Thank you Ynot and BlackenedBora, In California it is my understanding the TDI is exempt from the standard SMOG test. Sorry I should have stated before the emissions "TEST" is not my concern. I just want to know the environmental impact of the changes. I know the added power will be a lot more...
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    Effects of chip on emissions?

    Hello, Newbie here looking for emissions data on TDI's before and after they have been chiped. I already looked in the emissions section and found nothing regarding chips, so I have come to this forum. About 3 weeks ago I purchased a 2003 Jetta TDI, and I am contemplating some power upgrades...
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    California TDI Owners List

    1. dlai, 2001 Jetta, South San Francisco 2. Peter Pyce, 2002 Jetta, Mountain View 3. Peter Cheuk, 1998 Jetta, Daly City 4. bogstomper, 1998 Jetta, San Francisco 5. Norman, 2000 Golf, San Jose 6. First D, 2002 Jetta, Anaheim 7. eetsoot, 2002 Jetta, Oxnard 8. Hesh, 2000 Golf, La Honda 9. NewTDI...
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    Shall I buy this TDI?

    Hello Dan, You should give "Harvieux" a call. He is in So Cal, but he currently has a Jetta listed on the TDI site that sounds better than what you are looking at. He only sells TDI cars, so if you decided on a used TDI - he would be a good place to start. Here is his phone. (310) 721-4867...