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    are PROSPORT and JOM good quality? what do i need to search in a coil over ?
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    hi im intreseted in changing to coil overs on my vw mk4 115 tdi any good brands not so expensive ?
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    power flex mountings

    full suspension mount
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    power flex mountings

    so you suggest the oem to the poly stuff ?
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    Volkswagen TDI ALH Vacuum Diagrams (Stock & Modified)

    hi can someone explain what is asv delete and what it does ?
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    power flex mountings

    hi would like to know if changing to powerflex full kit mountings will harden more the car drive or it will feel smoother ?
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    vacum hose help pls

    thanks for your help
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    vacum hose help pls

    hi i need to replace this vacum hose vw no 1J2-612-041D .my question is can i replace it with the silicone very flexible hose ? or anyone can tell me where i can find a silicone exact replacment as i dont want to istall the oem one i would prefer a silicone one my car is a VW Golf Mk4 Tdi...
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    coolant change

    thanks again for your help !! :)
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    coolant change

    hi thanks for your help yes i did timing belt change and would like to ask you where i have to check to see if there is any corrosion thanks
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    coolant change

    hi got a golf mk4 tdi 115bhp year 1999.5 my question is this i live in Malta not very cold weather here just 3 months of the year , got this car for 13 years now and never changed the coolant water is that bad for the car even if we dont have cold weather here?
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    Remote start install possible with VW Immobilizer?

    Hi I would apreciate if you can send me wiring diagrams for a remote start module for a golf mk4 tdi year 2000 thanks !
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    MAF sensor plug

    Thanks buddy !
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    MAF sensor plug

    Hi Can any body tell me from where I can buy online a MAF sensor plug connector for a vw golf mk4 pls that ships to Europe Thanks a lot guys
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    Hi Would like to know if when you remap an ecu after remapped can the ecu be disconnect from the car afterward and when you reconnect it back to the car wiring will it work again I mean the car will start ? Or you need to re code the ecu with Vagcom to make it work even if it is remapped ?
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    throttle pedal question and problem

    Hey thanks again great help and info I just like to ask if you can point me where to find some info on where is connected the cable to the ecu and it's posible to disconnect the cables from the ecu ??s
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    throttle pedal question and problem

    So first of all thanks for your reply and what exactly I need to check I mean with a vagcom scanner it showed pedal problem how do I know if it's a faulty cable or ecu problem ?
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    throttle pedal question and problem

    hi was driving my golf tdi year 1999 make all of sudden no throttle !changed the throttle with a second hand one it worked for 3 weeks then it went dead again . my question is now i orederd a new part but, it is a must to do a Throttle Body Alingment when i install the new pedal? and TBA can...