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  1. T

    NB headlight problem

    Thanks for the info. I tried the squeeze play this morning and the low beam is working again. I'm going is see how it does for a few days and hopefully work on redoing the connectors soon. Thanks for the help, Rod
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    NB headlight problem

    My low beam on the passenger is not working. I replaced the bulb and it worked for a few days and quit again. I took it into the dealer and they said they could replace the headlight assembly for $300 or do a quick fix for about $50. I've discovered that I can wiggle the bulb and it will start...
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    WTB: ECM for a '98 New Beetle

    WTB: ECM for a \'98 New Beetle From what the dealer tell me, and from what I'm learning on this forum, my NB is in need of a working ECM. Does everyone have a stock ECM laying around, or know where one is, that I could beg, borrow, steal, or even buy for less than the $700 the dealer wants to...
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    FS: License Plate Frames

    Jeff, You got PayPal!!! These will looks great with my new plates. I'm a Ham Radio operater abd I just received a new vanity call sign, K7BUG. I ordered my new plates a few weeks ago and hope to see them soon. Thanks, Rod
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    FS: License Plate Frames

    Great Idea!!! It looks like I got to the party late. Are there 2 left if I race to my paypal account right now. This is great for NB owners who don't have a TDI badge to show off. Thanks, Rod P.S. Did I see an in earlier post that you have the Got Diesel decals?
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    Power Door Lock Inop

    I swapped the door latch assembly today hoping to clear this problem but no change. The power lock and remote key on the driver side are still inop. Any ideas anyone? An added note, the control for the right side mirror and the fuel door release are also not working. I've swapped the fuel door...
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    NB door look problem

    NB door lock problem continued... I swapped the door latch assembly today and no change. The power lock and remote key on the driver side is still inop. Any ideas anyone? An added note, the control for the right side mirror and the fuel door release are also not working. I've swapped the fuel...
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    NB door look problem

    No Bentley, I tried getting one off Amazon a few months ago but was told they were out of print and would be revised this fall. If anyone has a 98 NB Bentley manual for sale, I'm looking. I'll see if I can look at the door panel in the next day or so. Thanks, Rod
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    NB door look problem

    About a month ago my driver side door decided that it was going to only lock/unlock with the key, no electronics. Yesterday I went to unlock the door and I felt a snap. Now I can only unlock the door with the key. Any ideas, I really don't want to haul it into the dealership. They already have...
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    Looked at Passat TDI Today

    I not sure if I want to tell you any history because if would remove any doubt in your mind (and also mickey's mind) about me being a big dumby and falling in love with a TDI with a shady past and throwing common sense to the wind. The car as only a few months old and was caught here in a flood...
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    The downside of Europe love for diesels

    Found this as I was checking out the news today. The article mentions the Jetta wagon. Hope the link works.
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    Looked at Passat TDI Today

    Here an opinion of someone who has a TDI with a salvage title. Beware, I was wanting a TDI so bad that I bought my for a great price because of the salvage title. Now a year later and $5000 poorer on top of the price of the car I've got a pretty good little Beetle. Now I get to drive it until...
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    neat lightweight travel trailer, great for a TDI !

    I thought it would be neat to have one of these teardrop trailers to pull behind my NB. Well it looks like someone has beat me to it. Check out the link from CWO4 and go to the photo gallery. Two pods ready to go. :-)
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    Amoco gone...Tesoro in...

    I was told that Tesoro is spanish for earth treasure or something like that. I'd finally found an Amoco station here and decided to put 5 dollars in the tank to see how it did. My NB loved the stuff and probably ran the best it even has. I went back a few days later to fill up and the station...
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    Help - My NB is slow

    Yep, broken timing belt, I got a real good deal on the car with only 27K on the odometer and later found out, after the belt broke that the motor had been swapped and it had a rap sheet on it that was much longer then I was orginally told. This was a case of buyer beware and I pretty much...
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    Help - My NB is slow

    Thanks GoFaster, Great info. This problem seems to point to the MAF. Some detective works lays ahead. Here's another problem that I have. I've got a new VW short block is this NB, installed by the local VW dealership with a 12 month, 12,000 mile VW warranty that is about half gone now. If I...
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    Help - My NB is slow

    When I entered the on ramp Saturday afternoon I think I could have walked home faster. I finally got it up to about 65 but it would slow down on every hill we came to. I decided to try and drive it to work this morning and it is business as usual and everything seems to be working fine...
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    Help - My NB is slow

    I wish it was a turtle and hare problem but a I'm afraid it's more than that. I was entering a freeway onramp and all of the sudden I couldn't get up to speed to merge with traffic. I can get all kinds of rpms of of it but it's acting like a diesel without a turbo which is what I'm hoping isn't...
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    Help - My NB is slow

    All of the sudden my NB has about as much power as a diesel wabbit. Any ideas? Thanks, Rod
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    '98 NB Fuel Door Stuck - Help!

    Re: \'98 NB Fuel Door Stuck - Help! Thanks for the posts, I tried to open it with tie wraps, no luck. I finally called the dealer and the service manager had me bring it down. He popped the cover in the trunk and showed me the cable to pull. Things are better now. I appears that the switch is...