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  1. P

    ADblue Between services

    I am going on my second time that I have had to add more Adblue between services (generally at 9000-9500 miles after service). In the first 70k miles I never even received the warning to add more. Is this common or is the dealer just not filling me up. The dealer claims my driving habits play...
  2. P

    30K Checklist

    I am about to go into the dealer for my final 30K service. (2013 Passat SEL TDI) 1. Are there any items that need to be double checked before I have the car serviced? 2. Any recomendations that need to be done at or before the service. I searched and found no references to the 30K service so...
  3. P

    RNS510 Firmware & Maps Info Thread

    On a positive note...I have successfully installed the 4366 Firmware with the 7963 map. I can now say (after testing) the difference between the original 3696 firmware and the 4366 firmware is a substantial improvement. The responsiveness is night and day. I can't honestly say if the newer...
  4. P

    A very sharp point near the rear door

    Yes it is...I fell victim to the sharp point the other day.