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  1. B

    New lubricity additive on the market...

    Glad it didn't all spill out of the box. Ahhhhh, humans... I'm surprised you couldn't give that stuff away! I would've driven right over and taken it off your hands. Not what I normally use, but I see no reason to pass up free fuel additives to experiment with. Anyways, let me know how it...
  2. B

    New lubricity additive on the market...

    Just received it in the mail today. For those who are curious, it doesn't smell too bad - nothing like the rancid horse urine that is "Schaeffer's Diesel Treat 2000".
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    New lubricity additive on the market...

    I bought a gal of of it. Why not? Looking forward to running this along with propel diesel HPR. I would like to see testing results when using this with something like diesel kleen...
  4. B

    New lubricity additive on the market... They posted test results with wear scar ratings as well.
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    Renewable diesel

    I've used gallons and gallons of Diesel Kleen at this point on all kinds of diesel engines. No ill effects. It's great stuff. Perhaps not the absolute best lubricity you can get from an additive, but it does the job well enough. I've never used 2 stroke oil as an additive, however, this is an...
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    Renewable diesel

    Thanks for the clarification
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    Renewable diesel

    That PDF document is a great read. Strange that they state HPR with a max lubricity of 500 on the quick reference sheet, yet in the document, it’s written that they attempt <= 460. Bosch rotary VE pumps were ran at this lubricity as well at their testing site. This information is a few years old...
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    Renewable diesel

    Currently, HPR here in San Diego is $3.79, which is pretty competitive in this area. I like the idea of burning renewable fuels - I do not like fossil fuel. Personal beliefs aside, HPR still is a much better filtered and controlled fuel when compared to D2(I know this to be factual, as all clear...
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    Renewable diesel

    I was making the erroneous assumption that ULSD fueling stations were no longer adding bio. After further research, I will gladly concede that real world lubricity numbers are most likely well below 520, as bio is still mixed in. So, I retract my initial complaint about D2. I still have no wish...
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    Renewable diesel

    Bio in small concentrations is what I’m speaking of - the reason why a mixture of B20 is bad has to do with injector wear from very high fuel temperatures at the nozzle. As Lightflyer1 pointed out, many stations are already adding in bio with their fuel. I was in error to assume this wasn't the...
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    Renewable diesel

    I always love hearing stories about how far these cars will go. I too, have an ALH engine in a golf, and it’s a fantastic little motor. The Bosch rotary pump is a much more robust design when compared to the cp4, or maybe we could say that it’s much less susceptible to fuel lubricity...
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    Renewable diesel

    I'm glad to read that you have gone that many miles with your Passat, and that it has been worry free. Makes me feel a bit better about my '14 golf! Keep in mind, I never said these CP4 pumps suffer a 100% failure rate if the recommended lubricity isn't reached(I believe Bosch calculated that...
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    Renewable diesel

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I certainly hope you are right. That would be great piece of mind. Either way, it can be difficult to tell just how much biodiesel exists at any particular fuel station, let alone what kind of biodiesel it is (soy is supposed to have the best lubricity). Here in San Diego, bio is...
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    Renewable diesel

    lmao....and there is an abundance of documented evidence of many individuals who have suffered catastrophic fuel system failure. Simple research will show you that ULSD alone doesn't technically provide enough lubricity for Bosch CP4 HPFPs, nor is it properly filtered down at an acceptable...
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    Subject: How to Choose the Right Oil Additive?

    I use this as well, it is absolutely the best additive out there for reducing wear on all moving mechanical components lubricated by engine oil.
  16. B

    Renewable diesel

    I use Propel Renewable diesel in both my '03 Golf and my '14 Golf. No issues whatsoever. It's a fantastic fuel - probably the best diesel fuel produced. However, keep in mind, lubricity is still a concern. Renewable diesel has slightly better lubricity than standard garbage ULSD fuel(IMHO, you...