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  1. G

    TDI 1Z to 93 Eurovan (budget build)

    For those who might not be aware, Slavic (whose post I quoted) had been fighting two types of cancer since 2022. He finally succumbed to pancreatic cancer on Jan 20th 2024. His memorial service (in Russian) is available here: His son...
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    New California smog checks.......

    You’re very welcome we are all in this together! 🙂 Yes it would seem as if Matt’s theory is starting to be backed up by actual real life examples.
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    New California smog checks.......

    This 2003 stage 2 Malone tuned Golf passed without any issues a couple of days ago:
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    New California smog checks.......

    I ran our 02 ALH AT wagon too, I don’t know if it’s tuned or not, I never did tune it but it’s always felt as if it might be mildly tuned, not sure what to make out of this: Our 2012 Sportwagon has me a bit concerned as I can’t find any matching ECU (ECM) nor TCM numbers on the VW website:
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    New California smog checks.......

    “This could take a while” showed up initially on our ‘03 (Malone tuned) wagon too. But after a few mins it popped up:
  6. G

    Kit to fit ALH injection pump on 1z / AHU / AFN engines

    Jared, what are you looking to buy?
  7. G

    ALH Injector Pump Swap Details from dieselgeek

    It's not possible to use the ALH one it's completely different! If you need an AHU bracket professionally machined PM me and I can have it arranged for you!
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    Mk3 Golf sipster project.

    Déjà vu of this: ? :)
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    Mk3 Golf sipster project.

    Sorry I missed the 2yr update, how about a 5th yr update? Still running strong and never had any smog required and renewed reg every year! :) I've converted a number of pre 98 vehicles to diesel before and after this w/DMV in CA it's always been the same story: no issues.
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    Golf MK3 1.4L TDI Build

    Funny, I wanted to do a 1.2L 3CYL TDI engine for my project but decided against is because I really wanted to have an engine that I could get all the parts for engine readily here. But anyway have you happened to see my project? (Been driving it now for almost 2yrs)...
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    Modified Thermostat for higher MPG's...

    Cool, thanks! Do you have any of the mods discussed in this thread also? "Hybrid" thermostat and/or waterless coolant?
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    Larger Oil Cooler and Remote Oil Dual Oil Filter with By-pass Filter

    My "bump" post for an update was 30 mins ago ;)
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    Modified Thermostat for higher MPG's...

    Ok that's where I was considering putting one too, what gauge are you using? I am also using the AHU engines btw. Interesting question, have you ever measured (as in followed during driving) the coolant temp vs oil temp? The factory coolant gauge is very inaccurate, I can say this because I...
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    Modified Thermostat for higher MPG's...

    Well it depends on how "indirectly" you mean :) As long as you have the factory ("oil cooler" as they call them) heat exchanger, the coolant will be heating up the oil when engine is cold, and vice versa when the engine is warm. The factory "oil cooler" is not really an "oil cooler" in the...
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    Modified Thermostat for higher MPG's...

    So I've been loving my hybrid thermostat & evans coolant setup now for some time, so much so that I plan to use it on a TDI swap into a larger vehicle :) This vehicle I also plan to tow with on occasion, whereby I have considered using an external oil cooler also but not sure if that's a good...
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    Modified Thermostat for higher MPG's...

    OK great, do you have pics of the two boxes and all the numbers and labeling on them?
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    Modified Thermostat for higher MPG's...

    I did this a year ago without any problems, have a picture of yours?
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    Modified Thermostat for higher MPG's...

    VW used the 92c thermostat in oder Diesel models themselves so :) I'd dare to guess that the added accessories we now have on the cars is one of the reason they haven't been using it so much anymore, but if I am not wrong I actually think they are using it again in some models (not sure if it...
  19. G

    Modified Thermostat for higher MPG's...

    Well in order to compare things yes they should be comparable :) Yeah I know it wasn't your statement :) Oh yes definitely there would be some statistical value to it if you can locate a multitude of similar cases but I have still to find much negative feedback about Evans, and if you see my...