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  1. D

    FS .681 gear set

    Thank you sir!
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    2002 vs 2003 mileage improvement..

    this is all weird to me becasue i have 2003 and 2000, have done alot of mods to the 2003 to get it to around 53 i am about to put a .681 gear in it in hopes of gettign 60mpg, my 2000 stock used to pull 54 mpg all the time.... wish we knew the secret
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    Tire help asap!!!!

    i want a taller tire to reduce the revs. per mile
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    Tire help asap!!!!

    i have the standard 15" rims that came on the car.... right now i have 195/65/15s on it....
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    Tire help asap!!!!

    the local tire store ordered 205/70/15s like i asked and they put one on and said it was too big and stuff i wanna know if i can do it or not what i need to keep in mind or what? they were even leery of 205/65/15s on it what should i do help asap have to make decision tomorrow!!!!
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    Tire sizes for best mpgs

    i have 195/65R15s on the car now and i am looking at going to 205/70R15s anyone put these on or even 195/75R15s? i want to get my revs per mile down... just wondering.... looking for best snow tire that will last a while!
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    ScanGauge II Initial Setup

    i agree with a lot of things on here the fuel cut off is getting me tho i have mine at 4 right now idk if it is right or not... i think my fuel consumption is at like -4% or so idk about speed.... but any ways seems to be the SG is showing 54mpg but when i fill up its only about 51 (which makes...
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    700 Mile club Who's in?

    my best is 722.9 with 15.5 gallons of fuel really want to get my mpg up my average is 43 my best is 47.2
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    60 MPG / 900 Mile Club / 1000 Mile Club

    its called a ventectomy... you can get 16.8 gallons in the car at that point
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    Best Tuner

    What is the Best tuner for the money/mpg for a ALH motor?
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    Surp. Belt wear fast

    well the tensioner used to bounce a lot but we changed it and it dosnt bounce much... but i am i am willing to change the pully if it will fix the belt wear...
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    Surp. Belt wear fast

    my surp. belt seems to get a lot of rubber flakes on it and it dosnt even have 500 miles on it... the tensioner went so i changed it and now the same problem.... and ideas?
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    60 MPG / 900 Mile Club / 1000 Mile Club

    dont i have to have a bunch of tools to change the timing of the injection pump?
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    60 MPG / 900 Mile Club / 1000 Mile Club

    yea i meant mpg... haha thanks... my mods... timing i dont mess with becasue i am to scared and dont have to tools to do it... i take it to a guy who specializes in tdis and i just let him do it.... i put bigger injectors in it about 2 months ago (tdi specialist said they are the best i...
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    60 MPG / 900 Mile Club / 1000 Mile Club

    Guys i have an ALH and i cannot break 45mph i have done almost everything i can think of besides a tuner or a taller 5th gear!
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    PD130 / PD150 Intake Manifolds

    what one would i want for my 03 tdi....
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    more boost? turbo question

    well the duramax is dads but i drive it when he is driving further then i am... would u mind sending me where your got your boost controler? i would love to get 50mpg in the city....
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    60 MPG / 900 Mile Club / 1000 Mile Club

    HOW I WANT TO HAVE 500 at half a tank!!!! i am dying to get that high... i was at 400 venting the tank...i want my 03 to get that high.....
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    Sound Off on Current Diesel Price

    ours is 3.559 in kalamazoo michigan....