Search results

  1. P

    EPA mpg qualifies for Calif carpool?

    Amen to that - the whole HOV lane pass for hybrids is total bunk...
  2. P

    Cheap diesel in Sacramento Valley Region

    I posted that on the site I mentioned in my previous post! Weird, since I'm not usually in that neighborhood, but such a deal, eh?
  3. P

    Cheap diesel in Sacramento Valley Region

    You might find this site useful!
  4. P

    Polished my car's Headlights

    Re: Polished my car\'s Headlights I had a random thought here - I have used Brasso to polish watch crystals with great success. These headlight units are a different breed of plastic, but I wonder if it might actually work. Maybe I'll test it and report...
  5. P

    Would you still own a VW if there were no TDIs?

    Re: Would you still own a VW if there were no TDIs Yes - I have owned 3 VWs by now: - 1988 Golf CL Saugdiesel with 55 horses!! Great car, but slow. Could cruise all day at 100 MPH on flat and open autobahns (lived in Berlin at the time) - 2002 Passat GLS Variant - I relly liked this car alot...
  6. P

    When will TDIs' Come Back To California?

    Re: When will TDIs\' Come Back To California? If I had to guess, I'd say the '07 model year. Ultra low sulfur diesel is the law of the land sometime in '06, and after that, we should see TDIs and MBZs (plus the Jeep Liberty CDI) available here in CA. I ended up buying an '03 Golf GL 5-speed...
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    Anyone added fogs to Golf IV OEM headlight unit?

    Re: Anyone added fogs to Golf IV OEM headlight uni Many thanks for all the helpful replies - E-codes are looking like the way to go at this point...
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    Anyone added fogs to Golf IV OEM headlight unit?

    Sorry if this is something that has been asked before, but my searches have not turned up this particular tidbit. I'd like to add the fogs to my '03, and I am guessing that I'll need a euroswitch and the bulb assemblies, but I don't really know where to begin - can anyone help a noob out? Cheers!
  9. P

    California TDI Owners List

    1. dlai, 2001 Jetta, South San Francisco 2. Peter Pyce, 2002 Jetta, Mountain View 3. Peter Cheuk, 1998 Jetta, Daly City 4. bogstomper, 1998 Jetta, San Francisco 5. Norman, 2000 Golf, San Jose 6. First D, 2002 Jetta, Anaheim 7. eetsoot, 2002 Jetta, Oxnard 8. Hesh, 2000 Golf, La Honda 9. NewTDI...
  10. P

    Noob here- what to look for in a used TDI?

    It's 7500 miles I think. Visit for complete info. I just bought an '03 Golf GL TDI from Carmax in Roseville, CA - it was shipped from Florida. Took a while to find, but there is another one on their website right now...