My OEM Goodyear's lasted 32k. With 5k rotations and 10k balances. The Goodyear's got louder and louder and would not take a balance any more. I figured alignment too.
I put on Continental tires. The alignment was checked and needed no adjustment. 30k later the Conti tires are smooth and even...
Welcome to Texas. Welcome to TDIs.
You missed the 12/24/04 Houston blizzard. Quite a site to see. An entire city out trying to catch snow flakes on their tongues
Check out the bobistheoilguy used oil analysis results on 5w-20 oils. Being a thicker is better kind of a guy I've been surprised at the 5w-20's results. Especially the Motorcraft (Connoco/Phillips 66) 5w-20s results.
Re: Mann ProVent CCV System : GROUP BUY#2 : ACTIVE
I know most of you have already seen this.
However, for those who have not.
link to a US Mann CCV supplier. site does not quote a price.
No worries with the white smoke. Normal with all diesel engines on a cold start. Almost all diesel fuel additives will help with start-up smoking.
While you wait your magic elixir from Amsoil, Soyshield, Stansdyne. Try the Power Service Silver available darn near every where...
I don't know if this will help you. Heck I don't know if it helps me since I don't have clear fuel supply hoses. But in three filter changes I've never had any fuel supply issues.
After each fuel filter change I seal the point where the fuel line and the filter meet with clear finger nail...
Cylinder cavitation is mainly a problem with wet sleeved diesel engines. The cavitation causes pitting on the wet side of the sleeve.
Your TDI is a cast in block cylinder type engine with no noted problems with cavitation pitting. By most accounts the G-12 coolant is perfect for your VW. Why...
My factory tires were Goodyears. Even with 5k rotations they got to where they would not balance properly at 35k. Now running Continentals for 25k. The Continentals are much quieter and balance great.
I've been using Fuel Power and Lube Control in my TDI.
As for the FP and improved fuel economy. I have seen no improvement. However, I had always used some type of fuel treatment since day one.
As for the Lube Control: I increased my change intervals from 10k to 12.5k during the latest...
Many filter manufacturers make an IR-0750 equivalent.
I've seen then by John Deere (Fleetguard), WIX, Baldwin and Donaldson.
I'm sure many other brand names.
You can get them on line for $10.00 US.
Mine needs replacing every 20,000 miles.
A WIX is available costing $18.95. I looked at the WIX and the rubber molding around the elements (the pink part on the OEM) is significantly stiffer. I think this stiffness might effect the sealing of...
I just went from the Goodyear Eagles to the Continental Contacts. My Eagles went about 38k. Rotated every 5k balanced every 10k. At 38k they would not take a balance anymore.
Once the Conti tires were on. The car was quieter then ever before and of course vibration free. I can't tell any...
Ground Hog
I'm sure Curious is right. You can buy universal fit splash guards at any parts store. However, you will be drilling holes either in the car or the flap to get it to fit.
If you want a custom fit stick with the OEM flaps. My OEM flaps cost something like $26.00 a set. And if you...
What\'s in your trunk tool bag?
For breaking safety glass the best tool is an automatic center punch. They are $4 or $5 US at any of those bargain tool places. No swing room needed so it can be used underwater.
And the next time you need to drill a hole in metal. The punch will make a nice...
Just my 0.02.
Before you buy a compressor from a big box store. Check the phone book for a local compressor shop. Big box stores (except Sears) want to sell you a compressor and will not be source for parts when it needs repairs.
Nor will a big box store be a good source of advise on what...
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