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  1. H

    Mk4 Jetta wagon 2" hitch receiver

    do you happen to have a DIY build thread with photos?
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    alphaseinor's new Shop in Frisco, TX is open

    Brian, would you please advise as to the status of the 2006 TDI we dropped off ten days ago for the 70k service? I've tried to call several times and have not been able to reach you... Thanks!
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    VCDS VAG-COM Locator

    where in Lewisville, Tim? I'm near I-35E and Business 121...
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    Effects of battery removal on 2009 jetta

    I'm experiencing similar symptoms as well; can anyone offer any thoughts? thanks for the tip, I will have to check my own AUX when I get home this evening...
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    2009 Jetta TDI won't start

    I ended up just buying and installing a new battery, and so now the car starts without issue; the dash lights/warning indicators stayed lit until I drove the car for just a short while and then went out. But after two days, the CEL came on, and I tried turning the steering wheel hard left, then...
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    alphaseinor's new Shop in Frisco, TX is open

    Brian, please have your employee Alex call us; he was supposed to call us back a week ago after talking to his wife about potentially buying our Jetta, but we never heard back from him and would like our TDI back now please...
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    Custom 2" receiver hitch 01 Jetta

    how well has your 2" receiver hitch been holding up, towing and winching?
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    Anyone need help,here I am(Dallas-Plano ,TX

    thanks, Marin, for the great service!
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    Texas owners TDI List

    2006 Jetta TDI 5-speed and 2009 Jetta TDI 6-speed in Lewisville (DFW)
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    DFW TDI Owner's List

    2006 Jetta TDI 5-speed and 2009 Jetta TDI 6-speed in Lewisville
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    alphaseinor's new Shop in Frisco, TX is open

    thanks for the speedy and honest diagnostics on our 2009 Jetta TDI this evening!
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    2009 Jetta TDI won't start

    I'll have to get one tomorrow, measure and report back...
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    2009 Jetta TDI won't start

    all the various lights on the dash stay lit, and nothing goes dark; the engine rotates for a few seconds but will not start
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    2009 Jetta TDI won't start

    I'm not so sure it's a dead battery; I had also tried starting the vehicle with a portable jump starter, which yielded no different results... but I have not yet actually put a voltmeter across the battery's terminals to actually measure its voltage
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    2009 Jetta TDI won't start

    My 2009 Jetta TDI 6-speed manual transmission with just over 50k miles has been parked in the garage for the past three weeks, and now it will not start. I am in north Texas, and temperatures during the time the vehicle sat varied from daytime highs in the mid 80°F range to nighttime lows in the...