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  1. N

    fixed geometry turbo on alh?

    to fix the turbo obviously. OP, did you ever hear of a $250 used stock turbo. did you price ANYTHING you're talking about. $$$$
  2. N

    Loose injetor / died / no re-start

    gremlins over-torquing the injector hold-downs...
  3. N

    Odd boost indication.

    look up and try a chemical cleaning on the turbo, I am malone 3 on 11mm pump, sprint 520, straightpipe, and every oil change I do this, otherwise I get the problem you have, like every 5-20k. My turbo is also warped vnt I believe.... Raising the IQ helps. I had mine @ 2.1, not I have it at 5...
  4. N

    ALH Crank Position Sensor (oil leak?)

    There is an o-ring for the sensor and it can leak out. but souldnt be dramatic, is the oil level too high? crank sensor is 10mm head 12 point bolt.
  5. N

    Oil Leak Where Turbo Oil Return Line Meets The Turbo

    and nobody says replace the turbo oil line gasket.......???
  6. N

    Interesting runaway event...

    "uncontrollable acceleration" lol
  7. N

    Who is telling the truth?

    That problem shoudn't have surfaced because of rain...
  8. N

    Mirror Base Corrosion

    it was vw who thought to write the phrase "rust AND corrosion"....
  9. N

    Oil leak after doggie collar installation

    if it took 96k to use a quart of oil, thats pretty good.:D
  10. N

    Meyle hydraulic lifters?

    it's "meyle germany" NOT meyle, made in germany
  11. N

    long downward mileage trend over 5 years and 120k. What to check?

    temp gauge on dash reads "190f from about 150f-215f.
  12. N

    Timing belt change issues, HELP

    take car back to mechanic...
  13. N

    Power Max Engineering upgraded balancer shaft

    the PD is better with no balance shaft at all. is what he meant.. Sweet car and awesome progress. Thanks for the pics, we dont see this motor on this side of the pond.
  14. N

    Mufflerectomy Pics w/flange

    paint it with some high temp paint, it's going to rust crazy fast
  15. N

    ebay clutch gamble?

    I had a guy with a vr6 get the clutch so hot that the the ring gear completely came off the flywheel. He was just driving it around for weeks slipping like crazyyy.
  16. N

    o/heats after timing belt replace

    I have a coolant vacuum filler to prevent this it's an air bubble in the coolant system.
  17. N

    Suggestions on preventing turbo clogging?

    have you tried a chemical turbo cleaning? I had the same issue and oven cleaner fixed it for 15k miles so far. Just freeing the lever up is not a proper fix and only lasted about 1/2 tank for me. I raised the IQ to 6-7 and that helped too. But I have 520 nozzles and 11mm pump.
  18. N

    no boost but turbo spins

    if its a pd, check the hose that runs from n75 "out" down to the turbo actuator. it's likely rubbed through
  19. N

    Torque setting for turbine/compressor shaft nut on gt1749vb turbo

    8/10 chance you break the turbo, no offense, buy why why WHY? Many people push these turbos past 200k and they are FINE. They spin over 200,000rpms. They have to be perfect or they will grenade eventually.