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    cleaning out shop..found a NEW vw part.

    cleaning out shop..found a NEW vw part...183H sending unit found a fuel sending unit for my 2002 TDI. the replacement 'good' one. part number 1J0 - 919 - 183H. looks like i paid about 50 bucks back then. hows 25 plus shipping? pm or email me at thanks!
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    wtb stock Auto injectors, complete preferred

    sorry everyone, thought the pm's would send me an email alert. ill read them all tonight.
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    wtb stock Auto injectors, complete preferred

    as the title says, I'm looking to revive my TDI, and I want a quick and easy way to change injectors. After i get the big injectors out, i'll sell them. please feel free to email me at or pm me.
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    big nozzles for free?

    sorry everyone...weekend from hell. didnt even get them out yet. ive got to read all my emails and work something out.
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    big nozzles for free?

    wanted to swap my complete injector assemblies with sprint 520 (from KERMA) nozzles for someones complete set of AUTO injectors. i want to go back to stock and lost my stock nozzles. im going to take them out this weekend hopefully and get them ready to ship. if interested email me at...
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    What do these fault codes mean?

    same codes as me........grrr....someone help!!!!
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    guess i know the timing belt interval now.....117k

    his reputation is certainly gold for sure.
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    guess i know the timing belt interval now.....117k

    thats one hell of a house call...i'm 250 miles from augusta
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    guess i know the timing belt interval now.....117k

    sure do, but id have to tow it up, ya know?
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    guess i know the timing belt interval now.....117k

    yup...we sure hasnt been the best car and i havent been the best owner...karma i suppose.
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    guess i know the timing belt interval now.....117k

    rolled the dice..and partially lost. appeared to have jumped time this morning. idle clatter is wicked loud, but quiets down off idle. sucks to be me, i guess. i was hoping to get through the holidays.....
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    I really need a push to decide what winter tire??

    nokian hakk 2 all the way. more agressive and longer lasting than all the other choices. with the upsolute and sprint 520s i need all the help i can get
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    adjust auto transmission line pressure

    nope....just changed the valve..... and now we've changed (rebuilt) the whole t.c. too....the tcc solenoid is next in line for replacement i believe...
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    Automatic's reliability with power enhancements...

    Re: Automatic\'s reliability with power enhancement although most have had good luck with their autos....i have found trouble. My converter is en route back to nh after a lockup clutch relining ( joe @ pro torque says it was complete toast) ive been getting intermittent "no lock-up" for about a...
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    adjust auto transmission line pressure

    i tried the tcc kit....did absolutely nothing to my car. nadda. no lockup on the way home from the shop...and still the same symptoms since (like 15k miles)....
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    My 01M goes under the knife......

    Well, after living with transmission problems(intermittent no t.c. lockup issues, becoming t.c. slip/shudder cel on etc etc...) my golf went in for t.c. removal and rebuild/upgrade. I know some others are suffering similar early signs of the same ailment, so i felt i should relay what happens to...
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    Anyone out there have a spare torque converter?

    '02 golf O1M. mine is toast. looking for a known good t.c. or possible core? most salvage yards wont sell the t.c. alone it seems. thanks in advance. my car has been sitting for like 3 weeks now while i save $$$....
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    Automatic vs. Manual

    my vote is for the manual...extra mpgs ...and more reliable..