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  1. S

    maintenance and repair costs for a 2009 JSW a breakdown

    Operating Costs for MKIV Golf and MKV Jetta For comparison, here are my operating costs for a 2009 Jetta TDI Sportwagen (costs in Canadian dollars), averaged over 130,000 km of driving: 51 km average distance driven per day. $3.70 average cost of fuel per day. $16.34 total cost of driving per...
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    I-Pod Adaptor / Aux In Swap for 2009?

    Do you have the volume on the iPod/MP3 player turned all the way up?
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    Dension Gateway/iPod Dock Install (Lots of pics)

    Great choice of radio station. I used to listen to 1010 on the A4 Golf, but on the new Jetta, CBC on 99.1 FM sounds so much better. Where did you buy the Denison unit? Thanks, Steve
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    WTB Jetta rear shocks

    I have some 2000 Golf TDI shocks with 15,000 miles on them. Replaced them with Bilstein HD's back in July 2000. The OEM shocks have been sitting in my basement ever since. Thought I might use them if the Bilsteins ever wore out. If you're interested, email me at I don't know...
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    Remote touching chin-- yanking my chain?

    It works for me. If I'm too far away from the car for the remote to work (say 30 m/100 feet or so), I touch the keyfob just under my chin (on the soft fleshy area between my neck and the tip of my chin), and voila, all of the sudden my car will beep. I don't know why this trick extends the...
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    20k Service - A Couple of Surprises

    See TSB 97-01-01, Dated April 30, 2001 (for MY 1999-2001 New Golf, New Jetta). "Subject: Wiring Harness, Coolant Contamination at Instrument Cluster"
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    No low beams - A4 battery removal question

    People with two dimensional hands can reach that bulb without taking the battery out. The rest of us do the following: a) Remove the battery, or b) Remove the bumper I've chosen the second option - believe it or not, it is very easy to remove the bumper on the A4 cars. You can then pull...
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    Fuel gelled?....Now what?

    Yvon, the problem is that fuel in Conneticut is only winterized to -16 deg C ( If it is -23 deg C today, then the fuel that Skeeter bought is not adequate for this "cold" snap that is hitting his area. Fuel in Canada is winterized to much lower...
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    Seat heater element replacement

    It sounds like your problem is a bad switch, not bad heater elements. This was a relatively common problem with the 2000 MY cars - a replacement dash switch fixed the problem.
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    Seat heater element replacement

    By the way, why did all four elements die on you car? I've never heard of the back elements dying. Usually only the seat element dies when the thermocouple sensor wire breaks. Some good advice is to never kneel on your seats - I think this is what breaks the sensor wire.
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    Seat heater element replacement

    I had a heater element die on one of my velour seats. The elements are integral to the seat cushion, and there was no replacement part for just the element. So, VW's solution was to replace the entire seat/cushion assembly. It was outrageously expensive (something like $700 for the back, and...
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    road noise or rattle out of rear speaker 2003

    I had a broken/loose wire on one of my rear speakers (on a 2000 Golf). The speaker intermittently made very high pitched sound, but barely detectable, that made one's ears very sore after a while. There were also reports of a loose rivet causing rattling on some of the ealier A4 cars.
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    VW Warranty Extension on MAF's

    VW Warranty Extension on MAF\'s Thanks, Clukich, for the info. I'll try that.
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    VW Warranty Extension on MAF's

    VW Warranty Extension on MAF\'s Has anyone had success replacing the MAF under warranty? The reason I ask is that the letter specifically states the a bad MAF will cause the MIL light to come on. When my MAF went bad, I had absolutely no power to the point of the car being unsafe, but no MIL...
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    Calgary Alberta Canada Mechanics

    I used 2square auto several years ago to install Bilstein HD shocks/struts. They did a good job at a reasonable price. I don't know what level of TDI knowledge they have. Also check out Riegel Tuning. The only thing I've had done there is a headlight alignment, but when I was there I learned...
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    Fuel consumption - 1 year graph

    Smog, you have to be a bit careful with the comparison - both of us state that our driving is mostly in the city, yet you say you can get 5.2 on the highway. Regardless, in my experience, getting 5.2 L/100 km on the highway is pretty good. I can get around 5.0 L/100 km if I watch my speed.
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    Fuel consumption - 1 year graph

    I used text boxes and manually entered the MPGs corresponding to the L/100 km lines.
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    Fuel consumption - 1 year graph

    Other statistics: Average km/day 65 Average km/year 23,652 Average Fuel $/day $2.19 Average Fuel $/year $799.57 Average Fuel cents/km 3.4 Average Maint cents/km 3.4 Insurance cents/km 3.8 Capital Cost cents/km 11.0 Total Cost cents/km 21.5 Max Economy...
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    Fuel consumption - 1 year graph

    Here's my graph - three years of driving, 5sp Golf TDI. Nokian NRW tires, 205-60R15, set at 30-32 psi. Some of the very high/low spikes are caused by periodic road trips, driving from Calgary to Manitoba. Bucking a headwind when it's -30 deg C out really hurts your fuel economy. I always...
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    In the snow

    Your biggest problem with the Jetta in really bad weather will be the lack of adequate ground clearance. 4" isn't enough for where I drive.