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    Calling Palm Beach, Broward county tdis in Fl..

    I Live in Stuart Florida 00 Golf GL TDI Upsolute, Egr Off, CCV
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    Golf 00 Needs Alot of work My Story

    i'm gonna start trying to check the abs pump out looking for a wire diagram gonna have to order a bently manual and a vag-com i cant find either one of them just gonna order new ones plus my vagcom was a kinda old one
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    Golf 00 Needs Alot of work My Story

    Just Replaced the battery with a 1025amp 997 cca Deep Cycle Marine Battery should be Plenty of power
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    Golf 00 Needs Alot of work My Story

    Yes i checked the fuses under the battery cover all ok... Strange thing happend While i was changing out the vac lines i got all done doing all of them filled the oil changed the air filter Cleaned the MAF Sensor (Helped a little) Stock Airfilter (Napa Gold Brand) started the car and the main...
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    Golf 00 Needs Alot of work My Story

    Right Now i'm replacing all the vac lines on the car just picked up 30 feet hehe let the fun begin
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    Golf 00 Needs Alot of work My Story

    i'll have to rescan it i just moved and my equipment is boxed up in storage may take me a few days to get it Thanks
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    Golf 00 Needs Alot of work My Story

    2000 Golf GL TDI Upsoluted The Car was used as a work car and took a beating as was had to be drivin about 140 miles each day with some days up to 450 miles through out florida with a small trailer pulling about 400 lbs of equipment ( Generator, Wire, Tools Etc. ) I dont do that type of work...