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  1. L

    Capable home mechanic, but needing specialized advice before this swap.

    No, it wouldn't be free. $900 + fuel costs to go down to Miami and back home to Tennessee. The under body of my 98 has some problem rust areas, but the motor and transmission still run like champs (395,×××). I thank you all for your insight and expertise. I will continue looking for a new home...
  2. L

    Capable home mechanic, but needing specialized advice before this swap.

    I own a 98 Jetta AHU. My wife's cousin is a mechanic, and his boss is willing to sell me a 2001 Jetta gasser; engine seized- for just under a grand. Beautiful car. bells and whistles, leather. I've talked them down over the past 6 months from $2000. Before I jump on this buy, I need your...
  3. L

    Who has mega miles on a TDI

    361,xxx miles on 98 Jetta. Mostly stock still. Good MPGs still. I want another TDI in the collection.
  4. L

    What did you do to your car today?

    IP began leaking after I adjusted it for timing. Modified a socket to cope with the anti-tamper bolt and tightened the upper bolts a hair until the IP seal kit arrives. Rear shock/struts replaced a few weeks ago. On another note, major work to commence on my domestic truck this upcoming...
  5. L

    VCDS VAG-COM Locator

    KII-USB Interface MetalNerd's AHU tools Clarksville, TN, US 37042
  6. L

    What did you do to your car today?

    changed timing belt. retarded timing. explored vcds. test drive.
  7. L

    What did you do to your car today?

    Ordered a timing belt kit, MetalNerd's tool kit, and VCDS software with the KII-USB interface. You know what I'll be getting into this weekend or next. Put 2 new tires on the front. Charged AC system.
  8. L

    What did you do to your car today?

    Swapped out that broken (rigged) tensioner pulley and the serpentine belt. I pulled the filter box out to provide myself more room to work. The PO had apparently cut out the bottom of the box. I read about folks doing that. Add that to the mod list.
  9. L

    What did you do to your car today?

    Serpentine idler pulley came apart while driving with the family. No one had one in stock. Took it off at the auto part store and JB Welded it back together. Changed driver wiper blade and walked to the pizza joint for lunch while it set up. Put it back on and drove (7 miles) home without...
  10. L

    Middle Tennessee G2G March 30, 2013

    I'll be there, Brother coming also. Sister may make a showing
  11. L

    Middle Tennessee G2G March 30, 2013

    What's the earliest Saturday to show up? Bringing my brother also. He's not a TDI owner (Scion tc), but he's excited! Scratch the IP seal replacement for me. I could use some eyes and suggestions concerning my car. I will bring some tools and lend a hand when and where possible. No Vag-Com here...
  12. L

    What did you do to your car today?

    Swapped out leaking injector return lines and pump-to-oil cooler-to head radiator hose. Good stuff.
  13. L

    Middle Tennessee G2G March 30, 2013

    I'll be coming, as long as work doesn't require me to work OT that day. Straight shot down 24 for me. < 2 hour drive. Unless I take some scenic side roads (more interesting to drive).