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  1. B

    New Owner of a 2004 BMW 330D Estate (Wagon)

    Living in Germany has it's benefits, as I finally fulfill a lifelong dream of owning a 6 cylinder diesel, and man is it smooth. Was wondering if anyone knows any good English language websites for discussion of these e46 vehicles. Most of the ones I have found are UK based, which is fine, but...
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    Moving to Germany -- What Car to Buy?

    Courtesy of Uncle Sam, I will finally be moving to Germany early next year. As a TDI lover for the past 20 or so years, it gets me giddy to think of all the great diesels in Germany that I can only dream of in the States. As it is, that dream will be a reality as we will need to buy a second...
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    BIGMerle's 2013 JSW build thread

    From one BIG to another, I must recommend Jeff at Rocketchip. He is over in Red Lion, PA (near York), so is not far from you and with 20k miles on his tune, I can say both your power and your mpg (assuming you don't drive like a wild person) will improve. Great combo! John
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    Snow Tires + Rim (Newb Question)

    Normz, I wish I still lived up in upstate New York, I have not one, but TWO sets of lightly used snow tires for the A6 Golf (I own a 2010 and 2011, that is why two sets). I can tell you living up in the Watertown area, the 15" Michelin X-Ice Xi3 handled very well last winter (General Altimax...
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    manual v auto transmission gas mileage on tdi?

    We own both and the stick gets better mileage in every situation. It just does. My wife does not drive nearly as aggressively as I do (she drives the DSG). I don't necessarily not like the DSG, I just prefer manual. Having driven both in my standard commute, the manual gets about 8 mpg more...
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    Saving Money on Fuel

    Going back to the manual giving better mileage being left in gear vs. coasting downhill -- that is absolutely not true. I am getting 4 mpg better since I started coasting and it gets better as I figure out when is the optimal time to coast. I never used to coast until recently and the mpg...
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    Need advice before buying 2010 Golf

    I bought a 2010 Golf myself, but it had 90k miles. 15k miles later, purrs like a kitten. Recommend a chip to round out the fun...
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    Chevy Cruze Diesel a direct competitor to the Jetta TDI

    I've posted something similar before, but I own both a 2011 Golf DSG TDI and a 2010 Golf Manual TDI. I have a very easy back road way to work. Using the MFD as a guide, I will get about 44 mpg on the DSG working it back and forth through the gears and putting it neutral going down hills, vs 52...
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    Do the Speed Limit, Get ~20% Better Mileage

    Boy, it is funny how defensive people get with their driving habits. I was just simply posting that I slowed down, and can now go an extra 2.5 days without filling up and without causing a whole lot of extra time on the road for me. Was trying to show that for others as an example. My ego can...
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    Do the Speed Limit, Get ~20% Better Mileage

    I knew I would get better mileage by slowing down, just didn't realize how much. Because I have a consistent commute now, I was able to really compare. This tank at 150 miles, 46.0 mpg strong, so it looks like it will be consistently above what I thought was possible in the car. John
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    Do the Speed Limit, Get ~20% Better Mileage

    OK, so this is not a news flash to many on here, but as a long time, habitual driver of 10 mph over the speed limit, I did not realize I was throwing away 7-8 mpg. So about last month I decided to do a little unscientific test. I would stop doing 10 over and start doing exactly the speed...
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    Golf Speedo

    I don't know how the Canadian VWs are setup, but we have confirmed both our DSG 2011 Golf TDI and manual 2010 Golf TDI both with GPS and local "here is your speed" signs on the road, and in both cars the speedo is almost exactly on. It actually reads lower than actual by about .5 mph as it is...
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    What's the best winter tire/wheel comb?

    As the owner of a 2010 and 2011 VW Golf both with winter tires I can tell you the 15" Michelin Xice Xi3 and General Altimax Arctic are both very capable in the snow. If you are going to be putting a lot of miles on them, I would purchase the Michelins as they are quieter and have been pushing...
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    How low will Sirius renewal offers will go?

    I can confirm that you just need to call back and talk to someone else and you will eventually get the $25 deal. Got it for my wife's car and tried to get it for my car while on the phone with them. The lady wouldn't do it. Called back and got another guy and he immediately gave me the deal...
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    Rawtek Downpipe & Mid with Resonator Arrival!

    I can verify the power of the Rocketchip Stage 1 chip as that was the first thing I did to my 2010 Golf when I received it two months ago... there is the original, and then there is everyone else. Tom, I don't remember Jeff saying he had an exhaust guy nearby? I had been looking into the...
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    Rawtek Downpipe & Mid with Resonator Arrival!

    And to think Jeff at Rocketchip is only a short three hour, three gallon drive from you as well! Good luck getting this sorted out!
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    Front End Alignment

    That was a quote from the desk manager, whom didn't strike me as "competent" -- I did not speak to one of the mechanics since they were not going to be working on the car anyway. There is a NTB in VA and KS where I am moving to, so I think I will buy their year package and get the car aligned...
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    Front End Alignment

    Brought my new to me 2010 VW Golf into Sears to have the snows installed and I figured while I was at it, have the front end aligned. Long story short, when they checked the alignment the tow was out and the camber was "way" out of alignment, but since it required adjusting the sub-frame...
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    TDI Newb - choosing between '12 and '13 Golf TDI w/tech. Which?

    Look at your spare tire. If it is a 15" like my 2010 and 2011 Golf TDI, then you are fine with 15". Highly recommended as both wheels and tires are much cheaper at 15" and slightly skinnier as well..FWIW the General Altimax Arctics worked well and am trying out the new Michelin Xice 3 this...
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    15" Winter Wheel on 2010 Golf TDI?

    Logic tells me that any 15" steel wheel they sell at TireRack should work (they sell 2), but it is a little disconcerting that TireRack does not think so. This was Mason's reply: "I am not stating that all 15" fitments will not work for that vehicle. What I am confirming is that the Tire...