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  1. F

    Slow Turbo Spool on 2L TDI BKD A3 8P '04

    Yes spool is slow, and before it was spooling to 1,5 bar actual. It was everything okey until injector o-rings replacement. Couple days ago I've tried different MAF and it didn't help. Also tried to swap solenoid valve block - also no diffence in spool. EGR is in quite good shape. Doesn't...
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    Slow Turbo Spool on 2L TDI BKD A3 8P '04

    Ok, I've have tried to adjust torsion, at is 0.0. If it is way off car doesn't start. N75 actuator keeps pressure. -20hg is from vacuum solenoid valve with "6"(N75)
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    Slow Turbo Spool on 2L TDI BKD A3 8P '04

    N75 works, because with disconnected vacuum from turbo actuator the car is dumb and N75 output test moves vnt arm freely. To remove valve cover it isn't necessary to disconnect vacuum connections, just the part with maf sensor. Yes, setting to 0.0 is very complicated. 1mm and you can be out to...
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    Slow Turbo Spool on 2L TDI BKD A3 8P '04

    So from the log you see that this could be the torsion problem? But the value changes when I press the accelerator pedal. So it is still could be out?
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    Slow Turbo Spool on 2L TDI BKD A3 8P '04

    Hello, after injector seal replacement, seat cleaning and adjustment my A3 has lost power from low end rpm. Also fuel economy went down... Torsion is at 0.0; Injection qty at idle when engine is warm 4.8-5.2mg/str; Cyl dev. -0.3 to 0.3; Fuel consumption on idle 0.4L/h Going constant 2k rpm...
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    Simplified Setting of PD Injector Lash

    Hi, my BKD engine had cold start problem. All 4 injectors were not seating correctly. The problem was successfully fixed. Car starts fine in the mornings, but now I've got low rev. torque problems. Is it injector adjustment problem or what? Injection qty at idle is 5,8mg/str, Torsion 0.0...
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    A3 8P 2004/11 cluster swap ABS warning

    No, i didn't...
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    A3 8P 2004/11 cluster swap ABS warning

    So I've replaced abs module from K to AC. Now all warnings are gone. But now there's this fault came on: 01309 - Power steering control module (j500) 004 - No signal/communication No faults in other modules. Steering is working fine. So it's coding problem?
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    A3 8P 2004/11 cluster swap ABS warning

    I've read that yes... Because if you check for new parts they will newer revisions.
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    A3 8P 2004/11 cluster swap ABS warning

    Cheapest and easiest option is to upgrade abs module. I can't ignore, because it's too disturbing and I can't use D.I.S. functions...
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    A3 8P 2004/11 cluster swap ABS warning

    Sad, but yes :-(. abs, esp works, only cluster does **** :-(
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    A3 8P 2004/11 cluster swap ABS warning

    Tried to google all day and found that my abs module isn't compatible with the newer cluster...
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    A3 8P 2004/11 cluster swap ABS warning

    Are you joking? :D
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    A3 8P 2004/11 cluster swap ABS warning

    Hello, My Audi A3 8P 2004/11 instrument cluster has permanent eeprom fault also test lamp fails in cold weather. So I've bought used 2006 instrument cluster (8P0 920 931), everything is working expect abs, esp and parking brake lights are on. ABS module number: 1K0 907 379K. Coding is correct...
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    hum/vibration at 17000 RPM

    Problem can be in tyres. I had similar one and problem was with one tyre. Vibration from 4th gear and ~2k rpm.
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    2L TDI BKD engine start problem

    What software version has your ecu? Mine is:
  17. F

    2L TDI BKD engine start problem

    Hmz, very strange... But how to know if ecu has problems?
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    2L TDI BKD engine start problem

    Seals - 1 417 010 996 Screws - WHT 000 530
  19. F

    2L TDI BKD engine start problem

    What's wrong? Injector seal leakage is common for 8v engine, not 16v, but the car is not new and everything is possible. 50-60 too much. I have Bosch repair kit (x4) with oem screws for 40€ (10 each). Try to leave your car for longer period downhill, when front is lower than back and post...