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  1. T

    Can I lift by the oil pan?

    Id wait for warmer weather if you are going to do this outside. Timing belt won't break but listen carefully for bad pulleys/tensioner. I'll get the engine cross support bar (it was cheap when I bought one). You probably can support ton the oil pan after removing the plastic insulation cover.
  2. T

    deleted mk7, what to use for a fuel lubricant/conditioner?

    There is no evidence of issues on 2015+ CP4. Just check for metal in fuel filters, and replace if necessary (around $600 or less).
  3. T

    Oil Analysis - Slight Fuel Dilution - Leaky Injector(s)?

    80000miles in 9 years, I'd bet you are getting oil dilution from not driving enough. What's your driving pattern? Has it changed in the past year.
  4. T

    CRUA Timing Belt Kit

    Could you post picture of differences between S and D? Thanks.
  5. T

    Starter issue? Short Buzzing noise on startup

    I think I have the same noise. I think it's the DMF going out.
  6. T

    2015 Golf TDI long crank first start of the day

    I don't think load reduction is needed here. Sure, it might help if the battery is really weak, but then that battery needs replacing anyway.
  7. T

    2015 Golf S Oil pressure switch malfunction

    Are you sure you don't really have an oil pressure issue?
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    New Fuel Filter Priming

    Try harder, they are usually tight.
  9. T

    Brake job on 2015 GSW

    Answer is in your own post!!! Go to the dealer and buy the bolts.
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    Injector replacement with no start

    Hpfp will be fine if fuel is getting to it. You probaby have air in the line. Not sure what the procedure is to bleed. Cracking the lines and let air out might help. Id say keep cranking.
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    Fuel Filter shelf life

    Yes, if they look good, why not?
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    Oil pump/belt replacement on a '15 w/ CRUA motor(GSW)?

    Any way to diagnose a soon to come failure on those? Preventive replacement at what mileage?
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    Clicking When I Brake

    Pads are moving around, maybe? Have they been replaced recently?
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    Under Hood DPF Regen System Always Running

    Thats why you always get the codes yourself. And post on this site.... No point discussing things like that without codes.
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    Under Hood DPF Regen System Always Running

    OBDEleven folks.... cheap! Works with your smartphone. Enuff said, no point speculating until we get the codes!!!
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    Driving through the desert SW

    Solution looking for a problem? Oil cooler is fine as is. A few extras 10s of ambient temps wont do anything if the primary coolant/radiator is functioning properly.
  17. T

    Manual fuel prime

    P0016 means timing not right. Check alignment Check for sprocket play (crankshat and camshaft sprockets)
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    Which timing belt kit would recommend?

    Idparts for $211. Call idparts, make sure you get the litens tensioner.
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    Mk7 High Mileage Thread

    Do you have all that miles on the original DPF?
  20. T

    PSI Increase for Heavy Loads?

    Best if you have a tire pump with you. Start at 33psi, and increase by steps up to 40+ along the ride ( accouting for heat, maybe up to 44), and see if you like the tide better. As others has said, the door jamb value will give you a safe value.