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  1. agent_jwa

    2004 Golf BEW will not start without ether, dies after 5 mins

    My friend gave me an injection pump that he thought had a worn out vane pump (the part of the pump that supplies fuel to the high pressure side). he said it just sucked to start after sitting but after that it worked fine. I ended up needing it for another car and swapped it on. It definitely...
  2. agent_jwa

    ALH VE pump disassembly/reassembly tools question

    i just marked it and put it back on exactly where it was. center punched a couple little divots
  3. agent_jwa

    2003 ALH blowing Cold Air at Idle When Heat Is On, Also, Head Gasket Recommendations?

    I can tell you for pretty sure it's not the oil cooler, that is a completely isolated loop of coolant that doesn't really have a way of mixing. I guess the cooler could somehow spring a leak in the heat exchanger part but it's literally bathed in oil and I think it's made of stainless steel.
  4. agent_jwa

    Mark iv shifter question

    How do you know it's bad? Did you do recalibrate the lines by locking the shift tower and shifter and resetting the lines? Also if one of the cable ends is shot, it needs replacing as this will also make it hard to find gear
  5. agent_jwa

    Alh Temp creep going up hills

    Yep you got multiple issues, one is the partially clogged cooling system which you seemed to have fixed. But the blend doors had their foam give out so the cold outside air is just bypassing the heater core and coming strait into the car. Running the recirculate should help get a little heat in...
  6. agent_jwa

    Cam plate and roller failure

    Take it apart and see if the case is still useable and inspect every part closely. Then just order the parts you need and have a backup pump. They are pretty simple pumps compared to the old mechanical ve's.
  7. agent_jwa

    Weird electrical issues

    Did you check the clutch and brake switch activation in vcds? Also the stalks on these cars have a habit of wearing out and can cause lots of problems with the cruise not working.
  8. agent_jwa

    TDI - Dissambled 6 years

    For the fuel you could get a pump to push it through a few filters and then back into the tank, let it circulate for a few hours. Do this after treating it.
  9. agent_jwa

    Cold starting issues

    Check the 2nd fuse from the right in that little box on top of the battery. It gives the plugs their power.
  10. agent_jwa

    MK4 Jetta Light Bar Install Questions

    You can get it much cheaper on Amazon. Don't worry about the wire size. It's not passing the current through the switch like in the 70s.
  11. agent_jwa

    Is it over? (Differential)

    Probably just a cv joint, whole axle was $45 on Rock Auto last time I did one. Full axle is cheaper then boots, how idfk
  12. agent_jwa

    cranking engine during cold start and it just stopped

    Yeah, he's the one who sold me the first set of contacts for a denso starter. If I have an OEM starter or alt I have it done by him. His wife was actually my music teacher in school.
  13. agent_jwa

    cranking engine during cold start and it just stopped

    I wish they were more like the denso gear reduction units on Toyotas. I could rebuild one of those myself in like 10 minutes. It was never the motor, just the contacts in the solenoid that would get worn out.
  14. agent_jwa

    cranking engine during cold start and it just stopped

    So I pulled the starter after powering the solenoid with a wire, there was a very faint click, nothing like other starters I've had. Swapped it for a rebuilt at O'Reilly's, bought my last one with life time warranty back in 17, and she's back on the road.
  15. agent_jwa

    cranking engine during cold start and it just stopped

    But do you still get a click from the solenoid when that happens?
  16. agent_jwa

    radio knobs

    i cant find my junk radio
  17. agent_jwa

    cranking engine during cold start and it just stopped

    starting my car its around 15F here, cycled the plugs twice and started cranking. engine just started to crack off and then it stopped, maybe 2 sec of cranking total. got out, cables are still cold to the touch, starter was still cold. i checked my clutch switch with vcds, also no other codes...
  18. agent_jwa

    radio knobs

    I might have some from a broken radio. Not sure if I still have it, I might have tossed it, lol who am I kidding I'm a hoarder. Let me check my hoard, I'll let you know
  19. agent_jwa

    MK4 Jetta Light Bar Install Questions

    Every since I started soldering them directly to power I haven't had a single one fail. I do believe they do not like repeated hot starts, which is what happens when the power plug gets wonky, that has killed a couple before I learned what I know now.
  20. agent_jwa

    MK4 Jetta Light Bar Install Questions

    For the ballasts, Innovited Digital Ballast Now they're 17 each. Note they are 55w, so they drive the bulbs a bit harder but if you actually buy 55w bulbs they are fine. They will still drive 35w bulbs but you only get 3-4 years before they erode the bulbs back too far to...