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  1. D

    A cautionary table about DBW LLC

    In many cases we work with people on returns, but we also have to keep cores on hand. At some point we have to purchase new/used cores as needed and with the age of many of these cars the injectors quite often require brand new units. 3-4 months go by, no notification to us by you, yes you...
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    Oil service life

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    Oil service life

    Diesels do not have the Sulfur levels to deal with which is the major reason for acidic formation in the oil. TBN (Total Base Number) is used to determine an oils suitability for changes based on "Duration" vs miles/hours of operation. In the case of somebody driving low miles, oil change...
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    Injector balancing

    You can sell the Nozzles and get a professionally built set backed by a 5 year unlimited mileage warranty. If you choose to bring your own parts to the project, you are on your own. You can thank the previous issues that we have had...
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    Asphaltene Issues related to ULSD

    RME = Rapeseed Methyl Ester This is NOT BIODIESEL aka SME or WVO.
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    Asphaltene Issues related to ULSD

    This is the nozzle tip temperature: The fuel on a VE has very little return, all fuel injected effectively goes to the cylinder. Each injection even pushes about about a 1/3 of the injectors total volume at high loads. As the fuel passed thru the feed channel, the fuel enters an annular...
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    Mobil 1 ESP Formula M 5w40 - Discontinued

    Yes, but the best oil has proven to be the Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel Truck 5w40, I routinely have customers running anywhere between 15,000-25,000 miles on oil changes WITHOUT CAM FAILURES. Some of them have the original cams at 425,000 miles, all running 15,000+ mile oil changes on the M1 TDT 5w40...
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    Asphaltene Issues related to ULSD

    I prefer the Power Service mostly for water control, but also for detergency and cetane increase.
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    Ticking noise in engine

    Or maybe you didn't assemble the injectors correctly, and now you just burned up the new nozzles because none of them were firing correctly. The ticking is a misfiring injector, that is not sealing correctly, more than likely dribbling before and after injection. You basically replaced worn...
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    Injection lines low pressure.

    If it was running before you did the belt, you botched the timing belt install.
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    Asphaltene Issues related to ULSD

    For every unit of fuel burned 200 parts are circulated back to the tank... The TDI circulates at idle approx 2 liters per minute of fuel, at 5100 rpm, return rates to the tank are approx 8 liters per minute. Fuel in at the ALH TDI, has very little return rate from the injectors, these are...
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    Asphaltene Issues related to ULSD
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    No compression #1 cylinder

    VE, PD, and CR VW engines all have the same exposure to the combustion bowl. Poor quality fuel with high levels of asphaltene will lead to severe varnish build up. Power Service seems to be a key to preventing it, I run it and those that do never indicate any varnish in the injectors. Those...
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    Asphaltene Issues related to ULSD

    Start using Power Service "Diesel Kleen" on every tank... Stock or Aftermarket, your injectors and fuel system will thank you! Must read...
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    No compression #1 cylinder

    The injectors had extremely high level of varnish buildup inside the injector body. The base of the nozzles themselves looked like they were dipped in tar. The Varnish/tar residue built up on the needle and this ruined the sealing face of the contact region. Once that occurred, the nozzle no...
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    Cummins nozzles in a TDI

    Every possible performance range is covered using state of the art DLC coatings and newer refined Spray Patterns and Flow efficiency. Stock and High Performance Options: Race Applications...
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    Fuel Injector Size Understanding

    Compressibility comes into play above approx 2400 crank rpm on a 10mm pump... Good point of consideration as well.