When I followed all those burpod suggestions that @Sting mentioned above - I went with the 1856v from power Tdi in Poland.
it did require some futzing with boost pipes and also needed a different mounting bracket that I never found. Folks on the forum told me it would be fine without that- I...
Today I took some fresh logs with the new @burpod tune 😂
But one more reason why I love the wagon platform, not to mention the ice road drive out here is way more fun and a lot cheaper than when I use the duramax (work truck)
Today I opened a gift that keeps on giving from the tuner who keeps on tuning. Full Cheshire Cat smiles while passing folks and scanning for cops while logging my drive to town.
🤩 My latest version of @burpod ‘s tune for my BEW auto wagon is by far the smoothest, peppiest and most fun to drive...
I was driving on a dark stretch of highway on a really bad visibility night recently and there was a person behind me with a very powerful amber coloured light bar and what looked like two led amber fog lights.
I was surprised at how well they lit up the place but also somehow the amber did not...
Haha- that’s what I was doing last night - found a parking lot and was driving in figure 8s - but no luck- I’ll hopefully be able to get it today- I’ll read the link and try again.
thanks !
Ok- so a little update - if anyone ever reinstalls their steering wheel and gets a G85 error about steering angle sensor - and learns their wheel isn’t centred within the acceptable allowance… in VCDS all of that is under ABS
Which is why my traction light came on and stayed on.
instead of...
Ok- thanks , yeah instead of recalibrating straight using vcds- I’ll just take it apart and find level before putting it back together.
In hindsight I should have had the wheels perfectly straight before taking it off and putting it back on, but I turned the wheel to have it lock before...
I’ve exhausted my online searches and ask a friends… I took a steering wheel off to do a headlight mod and also to install a boost gauge, and when I put the wheel back on (in what I’m ashamed to admit was a hand tighten- not the 37 ft pounds I later looked up) - on my drive to town my...
Oh right on- that’s the butt connector I used actually - but I didn’t know I should hit it with heat.
I will peel back the tape and heat shrink over the pink connector.
but yeah it fit good and snug that size.
thanks @Nuje
Well it’s got one of those butt connectors and then I taped it and then zip tied it to the harness headed towards the front. But I’m definitely not an electrician.
I’m all ears if you got comments or critiques.
Woke up early and ripped over to the wreckers today to pull some wire and do this low beam mod finally.
I followed those written instructions - found the yellow / green wire- cut it a ways back from the signal switch and tied in one of my salvaged brown wires with the pin already on.
Then I ran...
I’m headed to the wreckers this morning to try to pull this wire, do I need a de pinning tool to get the female end ? Noob question I’m sure but
I am new to all things wiring. I’m going to see what I can salvage there today, and then try to tackle this mod while leaving a long enough pigtail in...
I like the sounds of that- I’ve definitely experimented with holding down the passing lights, and if they do burn out the housing, I guess there’s the golf front clip mod I could do- my thinking is if @Vince Waldon is right that the Jetta wasn’t designed to withstand that kind of wattage, and...
This look like the right one ?
The how to mentions 1.5mm this kit seems like a larger gauge wire
What about replacing your Tstat?
I remember @burpod telling me to replace mine when I was getting coolant temp sensors readings that made no sense.
I spent time doing almost all of what you are to resolve overboost and underboost issues.
I removed the intake manifold for a good clean-...
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