Search results

  1. AccountingTroll

    Fuel filter T fitting

    How did I keep missing that? It's all in how you word the search. Thanks.
  2. AccountingTroll

    Fuel filter T fitting

    Resurrection of an old thread. I'm over at IDparts and I can not find this part. I'm ordering 10qts of oil and filters for the next 20k and would like to add the T to the order. Any help would be great. TIA
  3. AccountingTroll

    PD glow plug reflash dealer info

    You are spot on. The page just shows a line drawing of what you described. I would assume (ya, I know, bad idea) there was a switch over sometime mid 06 model year. It would be nice to know at which VIN this occurred.
  4. AccountingTroll

    PD glow plug reflash dealer info

    24p9/p5 I received my notice yesterday( 24P9/P5 ), however it has different language from 28E6/R8. My notice only mentions a reflash of the ECM and says nothing about the GP's. The dealer has not seen my 06 NB since October 07 and was purchased as a VW certified used car July 07. Is it possible...
  5. AccountingTroll

    My new New Beetle TDI

    Please pardon the dust, I need to clean my little bug. I found this today at a junk shop. It's a gear shift knob that I put a bolt in and placed in the flower vase. I need to find a longer bolt.
  6. DSCN5232


  7. My flower

    My flower

  8. AccountingTroll

    06 NB Headlight grounds

    Well, it didn't take long for this to happen again.:( This time the driver side. This car has the standard lights that started from July 2005. Per Bentley, (EDW-388, 389 in the 2007 manual) the grounds are in the headlamp wiring harness. (Side note, the grounds under the battery is a good place...
  9. AccountingTroll

    06 NB Headlight grounds

    Back in April I had to change out my low beams because they burned out. Ever since I have had problems. Sometimes I will loose the low beams, some times just one side, high and low beams, and once I lost all four lamps. However, the bulbs are fine. I'll pull the cans, find the bulbs are fine...
  10. AccountingTroll

    pics of TDI badge?

    Here is mine.
  11. AccountingTroll

    My new New Beetle TDI

    That's an old photo. Here is one from last week. Only 55,000 on the clock.
  12. DSCN4533


  13. AccountingTroll

    My new New Beetle TDI

    Hay, a NB picture!
  14. DSCN2757


  15. AccountingTroll

    HD radio

    WOW, 747 days (2 years) for an answer.:eek: To bad I do not have that car anymore.:p My new ride has the VW satellite radio built in. It's not bad but I still would like to check out the HD stations. Although I do have a line on a bucket of bolts B4 up state.
  16. AccountingTroll

    Why can't I get into my car?

    Every B4 owner knows the door bonk after the first winter of ownership.:eek: Get a 12v hair dryer now. ;) You will understand later. :D
  17. AccountingTroll

    Used Bentley CD problems--new guy

    Or, if one of your hard drives crashes without doing a proper uninstall, you can not get that one back. At least not easily, I tried and gave up. I'm also not sure about Vista compatibility either. As far as the OP, I also think you are hosed. The first owner used one license; the second...
  18. AccountingTroll

    Interior light question

    I have one and it is tied to the cluster lights to iluminate the center front tray. My 06 still works so I never tried to R&R.
  19. AccountingTroll

    Replacement Thermostat Temperature

    There are three different T-stats; 71c, 80c, and 87c (160f, 176f, and 188f) Joe, I think you have the 80c one. Flash9, you are running a little hot assuming your scan gauge is accurate. My gut is that new T-stat is opening late and closing early. In other words, it’s not to spec. Good luck...
  20. AccountingTroll

    Bad Passenger Side Drive Axel?

    Did you use a new, never used, nut on re-assembly?