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  1. Vipervnm

    Airbag & A/C malfuntion.

    I can't make any sense of the dates VCDS spits out. There haven't been 14 months in a looooong time. Maybe there will be again in 12 years?
  2. Vipervnm

    Airbag & A/C malfuntion.

    This can't be a coincidence. My sister's 2012 JSW just had the same two failures at the same time. Passenger occupancy detection sensor for the air bag and A/C high pressure switch. The times and dates don't match in my scan because VW cleared them. Looks like she's in for a journey. 9481748...
  3. Vipervnm

    A/C Compressor issue.....

    My sister's 2012 Sportwagen TDI just threw a very similar code. What did your guru end up doing? 9481748 - High Pressure Sensor B10AE 14 [009] - Open or Short to Ground Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear Freeze Frame: Fault Status: 00000001 Fault Priority: 2 Fault Frequency: 1 Reset...
  4. Vipervnm

    Seat Bottom leatherette small cracks

    Mine started exactly the same as cd_booth's at about 80k miles. Now at 130k miles it's completely torn and cracked through requiring replacement. The seat bottom has also started cracking at the seams as well. Pretty pathetic. First car I've had with vinyl failure that wasn't from the 80's...
  5. Vipervnm

    2006 AC Compressor Front Plate?

    This is very interesting to hear and along the lines of what I did. My alternator pulley clutch seized sometime early in the winter. I didn't know why my idle was rougher until it warmed up for a couple days a couple months ago and I heard squeaking and investigated. So yesterday I...
  6. Vipervnm

    2006 AC Compressor Front Plate?

    I had an opportunity this weekend to compare the feel of my compressor spinning with a functioning one. They feel identical by hand. Seems like the industry doesn't want me to replace just this part though as it does not appear to be available. For all I know this thing snapped over the...
  7. Vipervnm

    2006 AC Compressor Front Plate?

    Thanks again. I have Sandens on my '97 and '00 Wranglers. Both still blow ice cold after all these years and miles! Have you seen any VWs with Sandens come in with dead compressors?
  8. Vipervnm

    2006 AC Compressor Front Plate?

    Thanks for the replies. New compressor and condenser? I see there are many manufacturers of this compressor. Any recommendations? They range pretty dramatically on price from what I've seen (~$230-$640). The condensers appear to do the same(~$75-$190). I hooked up VAG-COM the day I found...
  9. Vipervnm

    2006 AC Compressor Front Plate?

    That did cross my mind but the center portion till turns easily by hand and feels like a compressor should. My thought is the metal is so thin that 7 years and 130k miles of vibrations and temperature changes were enough for fatigue failure to occur. The segments just fractured. They didn't...
  10. Vipervnm

    2006 AC Compressor Front Plate?

    This is a picture of the style compressor pulley and plate I have. The three silver colored metal bands connecting the pulley to the plate are what broke. I've looked all over ebay and forum sponsor sites and can't find any instance where you can buy just a component of the compressor. If...
  11. Vipervnm

    2006 AC Compressor Front Plate?

    Thanks. Didn't find anything in a first pass but I'll keep looking. I'll try to identify the compressor make later this evening.
  12. Vipervnm

    2006 AC Compressor Front Plate?

    Hi, I recently tried my A/C for the first time this season and nothing happened. I popped the hood and the A/C compressor pulley appears to be separated into two parts. The 'front plate' (as I've heard them called on MKIVs) is supposed to be connected to the pulley by three metal strips but...
  13. Vipervnm

    06 Jeta sputtering/loss of power when accelorating

    Cool. I can tell you're eager to get it back on the road in full health. Just wanted to make sure you covered the basics before getting into the deep end.:)
  14. Vipervnm

    Accessory Belt Tensioner

    Add me to the list at 125k miles. Thanks for the info!
  15. Vipervnm

    06 Jeta sputtering/loss of power when accelorating

    Did you try replacing the fuel filter yet? That would be the first thing I'd try. If it's clogging it initially has a hard time supplying fuel at a high rate leading to lower than expected power and/or stuttering/stumbling.
  16. Vipervnm

    DSG Auto DMF Failing or Failures Thread

    Nope definitely not trying to bicker or make accusations. It's just that the only bearing I know of external to the DSG that the trans touches in some way is the pilot bearing. A throwout bearing slides to provide a stationary surface and a rotating surface to 'throw out' or disengage a clutch...
  17. Vipervnm

    DSG Auto DMF Failing or Failures Thread

    What exactly are you referring to as the throwout bearing? This transmission doesn't have a slave cylinder/clutch fork set up because there's no pressure plate on the flywheel. When I did mine the kit didn't include a bearing and there's no shaft location for a throwout bearing to float on...
  18. Vipervnm

    Best headlight bulb?

    After 3 sets of Sylvania Silverstars in under 2.5 years I'm on to try the Osram Night Breaker Plus H7s. Here's hoping for more longevity!
  19. Vipervnm

    The Two Year, Zero Problem Thread

    Mine went just over 5.5 yrs and a few miles shy of 100k with no problems. The DMF started rattling. I've got 105k now and a month shy of 6 yrs. Aside from the DMF just regular scheduled maintenance.
  20. Vipervnm

    DSG Auto DMF Failing or Failures Thread

    Below is a photo I took of my crank after I pulled my DMF. There is something shiny in there but I really don't recall seeing a pilot bearing. Maybe because I just wasn't looking for one. I found a couple photos of various DSG input shafts and they don't appear long enough or narrow enough to...