Search results

  1. UhOh

    WTB: 2000-2003 Golf TDI 2dr w/Manual Transmission

    On the 2dr the doors are longer/bigger and heavier and tend to sag. Less door control modules to go wonky, though! (y)
  2. UhOh

    2000 Golf TDI Manual

    So... I'll follow up with the question: Would folks HERE be interested in the OP's car FOR THE CURRENT ASKING PRICE IF the TB had recently been done? I'd think that IF so then maybe that helps establish a realistic price: $5k less $1k = $4k; I would guess that $4,500 AS IS would be realistic. I...
  3. UhOh

    2000 Golf TDI Manual

    Yes, for "us" folks here we KNOW all about this: I picked up a wagon one time in which a VW "mechanic" had done TB work (wouldn't give me the paperwork! [warning signs flashing!])- I immediately did a TB job on that car (only WP, and maybe belt?, was changed- rollers were rusty [WP leaking]). OP...
  4. UhOh

    2000 Golf TDI Manual

    Unfortunately my garage is costing me lots as I have a Mercedes in it at the moment (it's mine): I paid $3,500 for it and am making up for the lower cost in leaps and bounds! Don't know if there are any folks in our neck of the woods who I could recommend doing a TB but in the Portland area...
  5. UhOh

    2000 Golf TDI Manual

    If I didn't already have my garage full I'd look to do the TB for $1k. $2k is absolutely absurd.
  6. UhOh

    2000 Golf TDI Manual

    When looking for a car for some friends we'd run across a wagon (TDI of course) that had under 120k miles and had had the clutch replaced. People's kids + Seattle cooked the clutch (and almost 100% certain that the engine had also been replaced [ugliest engine for a sub 120k mile PNW TDI that...
  7. UhOh

    2000 Golf TDI Manual

    These cars aren't the best as "city" cars. I wouldn't have a manual transmission vehicle in Seattle. Best [ultimate] as commuter cars.
  8. UhOh

    2000 Golf TDI Manual

    TB and then there's the clutch...
  9. UhOh

    Wtb mk4 alh sw wi

    At 330k miles the "misfire" could very well be the camshaft AS well as injectors. That would push things to at least $5k. No pics of interior (not a good sign- based on the neglect of the headlights I'd figure the interior is equally as neglected). Last October I picked up an '04 wagon for some...
  10. UhOh

    TDIClub Secret Society of Benz Owners (SSBO)

    Brian, great car. I was wanting one of these to drop an om684/om613 into. :D
  11. UhOh

    Not mine - Northwest Oregon - '03 Wagon

    When one works on these cars (or any cars) you need to get specific tools and then once you have those tools and, hopefully, a proficiency of repairing them then the more use you get out of the tools the more they pay for themselves. That has been my strategy. And this MIGHT be part of the...
  12. UhOh

    Not mine - Northwest Oregon - '03 Wagon

    Now we're talking about something that looks like it's a decent deal, worth sinking some money into.
  13. UhOh

    NOT MINE: For sale 2000 Golf manual trans [TDI, of course] with only 48k miles!

    FYI - Listing price has dropped to $14,998.
  14. UhOh

    NOT MINE: For sale 2000 Golf manual trans [TDI, of course] with only 48k miles!

    People! As the person who started this thread I ask for civility. Know that I respect everyone here and I don't think anyone should be demeaned.
  15. UhOh

    NOT MINE: For sale 2000 Golf manual trans [TDI, of course] with only 48k miles!

    Yeah, pics on dealer's site a better, though still not enough to swallow the asking price. And it really makes me miss my Golf.
  16. UhOh

    NOT MINE: For sale 2000 Golf manual trans [TDI, of course] with only 48k miles!

    It's why I almost never drive South! (it seems to only get worse the farther south one goes)
  17. UhOh

    NOT MINE: For sale 2000 Golf manual trans [TDI, of course] with only 48k miles!

    My wife's 2003 if it weren't for the dings in the front and rear bumpers is in far better condition and it's got over 240k miles; and, of course, it's maintained by a pretty knowledgeable mechanic [me] <clears throat>. :D Folks caught most of what I saw. Wheel covers? I don't think I've seen...
  18. UhOh

    NOT MINE: For sale 2000 Golf manual trans [TDI, of course] with only 48k miles! Let the fun begin!
  19. UhOh

    wtb: mkiv automatic transmission 01m fdb

    It would be about the same cost to swap in a manual. If you're doing labor then the same would apply: basically the same amount of work doing a straight R&R vs a swap (swap requires just a little tweaking- I think shift box being the larger tweak/effort). If you get a used 01m then it's a crap...
  20. UhOh

    Not mine - Couple notable in the Sacramento area: Wagon and Golf

    They both look decent. Buyers should always keep in mind that where a car is sold/for-sale doesn't mean that's where it's spent (most of) it's time. Always run a check to verify.