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  1. DeliveryValve

    Side airbag crash sensor Frt. Passenger 01222 Code on Vagcom, do I need to replace all the sensors or can I just replace the one under the seat?

    Not sure on the off brands. But when I replaced my sensor under the seat, I made sure the replacement used part had the same numbers/letters on the printed tag. I found sensors to have the same part number, but the printed tags had different numbers.
  2. DeliveryValve

    Best ride quality shocks/struts for the money

    The coat of paint on my Konis is shockingly thin. Probably reason why I hear they rust out so bad. I ended up spraying several coats of clear just to give them a bit better protection.
  3. DeliveryValve

    Side airbag crash sensor Frt. Passenger 01222 Code on Vagcom, do I need to replace all the sensors or can I just replace the one under the seat?

    My 2005 was t-boned, passenger side seat and curtain bags let go. Fixed the car myself myself. All I did was replace the bags and one sensor under the seat with good used and reset with VCDS. After 4 years, no trouble codes has popped up.
  4. DeliveryValve

    suggestions for basic/inexpensive clutch replacement

    You'll need to source a 5.5mm bellhousing spacer and BGW or AVF starter to fit the 240mm flywheel also.
  5. DeliveryValve

    240mm clutch information

    A European 2.0 liter BGW Passat has a 240mm flywheel. Here are some OE part numbers from the BGW that I collected that might be useful for you. Dual Mass Flywheel - 03G105266AT Clutch Disk - 03G141031H Clutch Pressure Plate - 059141117J Clutch release bearing - 0B1141165 5.5 mm bellhousing...
  6. DeliveryValve

    Valve cover gasket replacement

    I have to agree with this. My original was warped and leaked with a new gasket. Then my straight used one warped and started leaking. I ended up RTVing it. Not my favorite thing to do and will be a pain the arse to clean off when I remove it. Should of just sucked it up and buy a new cover.
  7. DeliveryValve

    Looking for good PNW shop for tranny swap

    If you are looking for a 5 speed gearbox, I have an FHN for sale. .
  8. DeliveryValve

    Passenger side roof airbag went off while driving. W t f?!

    At least with the B5.5, I could have gotten away with just replacing the seatback. But I found a whole seat instead.
  9. DeliveryValve

    Passenger side roof airbag went off while driving. W t f?!

    I had my B5.5 Passat get t-boned. The side curtain and side seat airbags let go. When I fixed it, I replaced the curtain bag and whole seat with used parts. I also replaced the side airbag impact sensor with a used part as mentioned above it stores a crash code. Cleared the stored ECU crash...
  10. DeliveryValve

    B5 Passat FHN manual transmission gearbox for sale

    Not to be persnickety, but I mentioned the location on the last sentence in my original post. Bakersfield, California Thanks for the bump though!
  11. DeliveryValve

    B5 Passat FHN manual transmission gearbox for sale

    FHN gearbox up for sale. I bought it from an auto dismantler in Lithuania and claimed to have 172,129 Km shown on the last pic from when I first got the box. Spins nicely, other three pictures are current. I do have a copy of the VIN of the 2002 Passat it came out of. It's been kept in...
  12. DeliveryValve

    Free BHW Long Block

    That would have been a last resort option if no takers. I'm just glad it's going to be used on an interesting project.
  13. DeliveryValve

    Free BHW Long Block

    BHW long block has been hauled away.
  14. DeliveryValve

    Free BHW Long Block

    I don't know the history of it. I pulled the engine from a wreck. So I assumed it was good. I removed some parts from it, like the injectors. But in doing so, I accidentally dropped a washer down one of the cylinders. My plan was to go through the engine anyways. Remove the balance shaft...
  15. DeliveryValve

    Free BHW Long Block

    Added pics for inquiring minds
  16. DeliveryValve

    Free BHW Long Block

    From a 2004 Passat sedan Was going to keep as my spare engine. But I am moving and can't take it with me. Includes oil pan, valve cover and cam other miscellaneous parts attached. Need it gone ASAP. Located in Bakersfield, CA
  17. DeliveryValve

    2014 Jetta ECM part number

    My friend just acquired a 2014 Jetta TDI engine code CJAA, 6 speed manual transmission code NFP. Manufacturered on 08/13 in Mexico. She asked me to check into a few things of the car that she has concerns. One is she said the seller had a shop swap out the ECM, but he didn't think it was the...