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  1. ppopa

    VCDS VAG-COM Locator

    01164 Contents*[hide]* 1*01164 - ESP Operation1.1*01164 - ESP Operation: Implausible Signal1.1.1*Possible Symptoms1.1.2*Possible Causes1.1.3*Possible Solutions1.1.4*Special Notes01164 - ESP Operation01164 - ESP Operation: Implausible SignalPossible SymptomsMalfunction Indicator Light (MIL)...
  2. ppopa

    VCDS VAG-COM Locator

    Hex-USB+CAN Laptop + Ross Tech software Dawson Creek, BC V1G 1S1 Canada
  3. ppopa

    VCDS VAG-COM Locator

    HEX-USB-COM Dawson Creek, BC Canada Please update my address - user ppopa. Thanks
  4. ppopa

    Best all season tires for fuel economy

    Just replaced front 205/65/15 Nokian WR2 tires, after 65K on heavy driving, with two 215/65/15 now. Now rear 205/65/15 still have about 55% tread left.
  5. ppopa

    Best all season tires for fuel economy

    WRG2 is an excellent tire - I'm very pleased with them.
  6. ppopa

    Fuse for luggage compartment light

    I know this might sounds strange to you ... try the micro-swithch from driver and/or passenger door and/or trunk ... mine got stuck on OPEN because i greased with WD40 ... clean the micro-switch and check the light ...hope it works :)
  7. ppopa

    Error codes...lots of them, please help!

    check this:
  8. ppopa

    9w3 Bluetooth Upgrade Group Buy

    BT 9W3 module Jerry, It does appear that the 9W3 will not work on my both cars, isn't it? :rolleyes: Paul
  9. ppopa

    January 2010 Mileage thread

    My VW's Driver: Paul Miles: 493.1 Gallons: 12.723 Model Year: 2004 Model: TDI PD Tranny: 5M Fuel Type:ULSD
  10. ppopa

    Timing Belt in BC

    JSP I will personly recomended.
  11. ppopa

    9w3 Bluetooth Upgrade Group Buy

    Bluetooth for my cars Hi, Could you please tell me if I can use it on my both cars: - VW Jetta Tdi PD 2004 - Cabrio 2002? If yes, how much will cost me both complete installation kits? If not, do you have any suggestions for the above cars? Thanks, Paul PS. I do have a VCDS and "complete...
  12. ppopa

    Frantz bypass oil filter

    I did order two kits for my Jetta PD and Cabrio. Any suggestion regarding puncture location on the oil pan? Is your camera working now? Can we have some pics, please?Any oil sampling results? Thoughts? Thanks
  13. ppopa

    TDI Used Oil Lab Analyses Results & Discussions

    For this forum and also your info I bought a Franz filtering system (please se: for Cabrio and Jetta PD. When the time permitting I will have it on both cars. I think that we will have big surprises regarding mileage on the same oil.References seems to be excellent. I...
  14. ppopa

    TDI Used Oil Lab Analyses Results & Discussions

    13 000 km on the oil TornadoRed: Please accept my apologies for any confusion that I might have created. We are doing a HUGE job here and I am trying my best to do my part. Here are some clarifications: a. due to some reasons beyond my power info that you read on the Lab report regarding...
  15. ppopa

    TDI Used Oil Lab Analyses Results & Discussions

    13 000 KM on the oil most recent sample: ENGINE PD Fluid Analysis Laboratory 19100 94th Ave. 604-881-2950 Surrey, BC V4N 5C3 PAUL FLUID BRAND/WEIGHT : CASTROL/10W-30 EXT. WARR. EXPIRES : EXT. WARR...
  16. ppopa

    Who has a Vag-com, scan tool, and where?

    VCDS/VAG_COM avaibility I have the most recent VCDS/VAG-COM software, interface cable and appropriate notebook computer to hook everything up and scan anywhere. I will be glad to assist forum members in the Vancouver, British Columbia area.
  17. ppopa

    MPG's for 5A PD

    41 to 42 mpg in average @ city drive. heavy footer:)
  18. ppopa

    Radio re-code and DRLs

    First at all thanks for reply. This is a GREAT community.:) Indeed they are topics how to disable "mechanically" DRL - bend or insulate one pin from headlight switch. Sources: Tdiclub and VWvortex. I thought I can do this via VCDS.;) Sebastian, I read with interest your postings - they are...
  19. ppopa

    Radio re-code and DRLs

    Gents, 1. I/m trying to re-code my radio using a VCDS and it seems that it is not working. Basically I am trying to update last digit from 0 to 2 because the car has leather inside (04421 instead of existing 04401). Set the new code 04421 and when I push "Do it" button is keep coming back to...
  20. ppopa

    TDI Used Oil Lab Analyses Results & Discussions

    16 000 km on the oil link to my latest sample result.