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  1. DMan1198

    CAT Fuel & Oil Filter Upgrade

    If it is something you worry about it's best to add a fuel pressure gauge post filter. Then, when the reading dips from normal it's time to replace.
  2. DMan1198

    2002 vw tdi alh misfiring and white smoke at 2k

    Thing is, that is exactly the running issue I have seen on multiple vehicles. 2k rpm is where the biggest running problems are, 3k it kind of clears up. And unplugging it won't matter if the valve is sticking open from gunk. That is actually how it was on the duramax that was having the issue...
  3. DMan1198

    2002 vw tdi alh misfiring and white smoke at 2k

    Did you try blocking the egr off?
  4. DMan1198

    02 5 speed ate 5th gear

    It was the small gear and the countershaft that stripped. The Loctite is a Good idea, and I think I have some laying around.
  5. DMan1198

    02 5 speed ate 5th gear

    Oh that is certainly something I could do. Would definitely get the car on the road until swap parts came in.
  6. DMan1198

    02 5 speed ate 5th gear

    Awesome! Thank you!
  7. DMan1198

    2002 vw tdi alh misfiring and white smoke at 2k

    I have seen on my own and a duramax where the egr sticking open makes white smoke and misfires at 2k. If you have a delete piece handy it's at least worth a shot.
  8. DMan1198

    02 5 speed ate 5th gear

    The 5 speed in my 02 Jetta wrecked the splines on the countershaft and the countershaft gear. I know I can get a set of gears but are there countershafts available somewhere? Barring that what options are there for other manuals that'll fit/work? Is a 6 speed out there that's worth putting in?
  9. DMan1198

    2002 vw tdi alh misfiring and white smoke at 2k

    The egr valve isn't pushing open is it?
  10. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    I just had to cut it for the knob I’m using, which is a cheap aluminum one from eBay.
  11. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    Finally have my interior all back together after 5ish months in various states of disassembly. while it was apart I cleaned the pop out of the Center stack, got rid of the degraded soft touch, painted the driver window controls and shifter area, shortened the shifter, and installed a new shift...
  12. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    I spent something like four and a half hours sanding one headlight lens that I’d messed up with adhesion promoter and clear. I still have to fix the other lens, then clear them, and I can finally reassemble the headlights.
  13. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    My new ballasts came in, so I finally got my projectors glued into my housings. Just have to fix the lenses, modify the backs, and put them back together.
  14. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    I mean I did spend many months driving mine, and just ignoring all its problems. The last few days I pulled my Center console, cut my shifter down for the new shift knob (ending up somewhere around an inch shorter than stock), washed I don’t know how many years of grime off the console, and...
  15. DMan1198

    Why do You Still Have Your MK4 TDI?

    I don’t know about the smaller ecoboost, but the 3.5’s have had issues with timing chains, and the cgi blocks apparently disintegrating (I’ve heard of one outfit ordering heater cores by the box for them), and the 5.0’s have had issues with the #7 valves pulling through the head after the...
  16. DMan1198

    Is the Philips Xtreme Vision Plus still the bulb of choice in the Jetta?

    Gtr lighting has the best led replacements on the market in terms of output and beam pattern. They’re not cheap though by any means. I put fairly cheap 9007 leds in mine, and while they were brighter I ended up bottoming out the adjusters down to get them aimed reasonably. I am currently...
  17. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    Since the nose is off my Jetta while I retrofit projectors (I’m waiting on new ballasts) I decided to finally deal with the p0183 code. I pulled the harness out of the car, tested, and repaired the broken bits, then rewrapped the whole thing. And since I had all of that stuff out of the way I...
  18. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    With a load voltage drops to ~.3v on one plug, and there’s 7v on the other, but it won’t illuminate the bulb.
  19. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    Pulled the front bumper, and fender liners, cleaned all the built up dirt, and ripped the foam out. Also pull the cowl to try to figure out the brake light issue I’ve been having. Vcds indicates the ecm is receiving the brake switch signal, and it has voltage to the back if nothing is plugged...
  20. DMan1198

    What did you do to your MKIV today?

    Changed my oil as well. Turns out the car was fairly neglected by the previous owner, so when I started being nice to it she started using oil. This change I’m trying some stp synthetic oil treatment with the Schafer’s 9000 5w-40. Hopefully I don’t have to add two litres this interval. Also I...