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  1. W

    VW Canada Settlement - $2.1 Billion

    So Volkswagen won't take my car with the winter steelies on it?
  2. W

    VW Canada Settlement - $2.1 Billion

    Can someone confirm? Is this true? Link?
  3. IMG_20161025_055156


  4. W

    Hard Start / No Start - Is your intercooler frozen? Check Here!

    Hey Guys. On April 4, 2016 I tried to start my car. It fired up and, about 1 second later, died with a thud. My 2nd attempt maybe made half a rotation before stopping. After about 30 minutes of waiting for a tow truck I decided to try one more time. It worked but ran very rough for the first 5...
  5. W

    Anyone received money yet from VW Canada?

    I finally got my cards and had them activated at a dealership. I got an "activation confirmation" email but no PIN # for the cards. Did others receive a PIN? If so, how?
  6. W

    Anyone received money yet from VW Canada?

    Hey guys. Regarding VW's goodwill program, has anyone actually received any money yet? I filled out my info here but have yet to hear a peep back from them.
  7. W

    Mobil1 ESP Oil on Sale at Canadian Tire - Last Day

    It's back on sale again this week: [/url][/IMG]
  8. 06-11-2015_7-12-27_AM


  9. W

    NOx Question

    Wow....when you put it that way (57 Ford Explorers) it's disconcerting. I didn't realize it was so bad. :(
  10. W

    clear nose protection?

    I used these guys last month: I was very happy with the result. After it is applied they tell you to come back in two weeks for a check-up. On my lower bumper there was a tiny bubble that had popped up. They replaced the whole piece for me. I went with the "Avery...
  11. W

    Help with rear brake bolt part numbers.

    Thanks YukonLT. I couldn't get them off. The problem is when the car is on the jack stands it's not high enough to get enough leverage. I brought it to a shop and they hoisted the car up and used a long breaker bar to get them off.
  12. W

    Help with rear brake bolt part numbers.

    How did you get the rear carrier bolts off? I gave it my best effort but could not budge them :( Were you able to slide the rotors off without removing the rear carrier?
  13. W

    How much trouble did you have starting this morning (-16C)

    Mine started fine this morning but I noticed a curious thing. After the car had completely warmed up I decided to turn on the heat full blast. When I did this my thermostat started dropping (I was half way into a 40 minute highway commute). I decided to turn the heater back down (~ half power)...
  14. W

    Help with rear brake bolt part numbers.

    Thanks! Is it only the rear axle that needs new bolts for the carrier & caliper? Can the bolts on the front axle be reused?
  15. W

    Help with rear brake bolt part numbers.

    Anyone know what the torque spec is for the carrier bolts (N91168901) and the caliper bolts (5K0698141)? Thanks!
  16. W

    HPFP On Sale

    If anyone is in the market for a HPFP they are on sale at ECS Tuning for $427.
  17. 2014-12-01_19-16-45


  18. W

    TDI Used Oil Lab Analyses Results & Discussions

    Can someone let me know if the differences between my molybdenum & boron readings are due to different oil additives from Castrol to Mobil1? [/IMG]
  19. 29-10-2014_8-47-20_AM


  20. W

    Clean Diesel DPF Data Collection Thread

    MemberName: wackypete Model Year: 2013 Model: Golf TDI Tranny: Mannual Miles: 45,000 Oil Ash Volume: 39ml Oil Type: Mobil 1 ESP Avg. MPG: 40mpg