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    Beetle and Beetle Convert. Roll Call. Who's out there?

    The wife's 13 has 36k. Just replaced the clutch, wasn't expecting that. Came to us used with DRLs that are always on. One of these days, I'll dig into it and see what someone hacked up to do that.
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    2015 Gen 3 Fix Phase 2

    As I have two 2015 Jettas, this is also applicable. This appears to be the relevant paragraph in "You will receive a notice when Phase 2 of the emissions modification is available for your vehicle.You should...
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    State of MA will start failing non-fixed TDI's

    The practical issue is you need an alternate car to use while fighting the fail, if they go that route. All depends on how fast you can get the suit heard and resolved.
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    Buyback offer discrepancies...

    For the 2015 there is no math, there are page after page of VINs and the associated number offered. If you look at the settlement docs, you will find 4 PDFs full of tables blacked out. That was the origin of the offer.
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    Buyback Lessons Learned

    MI owners with a loan take note Since this is the lessons learned. I learned that most Michigan cars with a loan, the owner, not the bank or VW finance, has the title. MI buybacks are requiring the owner to have the title. Long story short, since I bought it in another state, and that dealer...
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    Buyback Check or Electronic Bank Transfer

    I got the reminder email about the turn in on Tuesday next week. I chose the check, and it said if the miles match what bin I was supposed to be in, I got the check at closing, otherwise 3 day fedex to the home address. Make up payment if I was under would be sent plus I leave with the partial...
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    Current buy back timeline?

    There is a notary in the paperwork process, so remember that as you plan the timing before 9/1. You also have to get a scan of that notary that shows their seal, so if you have a low quality phone camera, be sure you can see the seal or it may get rejected, and the paperwork done deadline is a...
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    Phase 2 fixed... but new noise

    We are hearing a rattle under hard acceleration that seems to be in the passenger footwell area. It's heading back to get it addressed. It's a CPO bumper to bumper coverage, so shouldn't be too hard to get fixed. Other than the rattle, and it's not really a vibration feel, just the noise.
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    Trading in your VW TDI? What will be your next car

    We are half way through the swap plan. We picked up a 2015 Jetta TDI SEL manual. Now we have to schedule the buyback on the 2014 Beetle. The replacement for the 2014 Beetle will be either a 2015 Beetle, or a 2015 Passat TDI. EPA must love that, keeping 2 of the slightly less dirty diesels on...
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    Current buy back timeline?

    Yes, it's the 2014 Beetle, so 2.0. Doing a 1 for 2 swap, direct replacement of a Beetle for Beetle, but the wife is wavering if she wants that or a Passat, and picked up a Jetta for the kid.
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    2015 Jetta VCDS lacks ROD file

    Trying to figure out how to connect to a 2015 Jetta. It seems that the EV name has a B on the end of it that doesn't match any of the supplied .rod files. It worked with the 2014 Beetle, just not the 2015 Jetta. Pulled the following, I know incomplete scan, but all the rest of the modules...
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    Current buy back timeline?

    At about 24 hours after the notarized upload, was approved, and can now schedule. The closest dealer is doing 1 day a week, another 2 miles further (opposite direction) does 3 days a week, and there are 3 more within 4 miles total distance from the house, so I can basically pick any day of the...
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    Current buy back timeline?

    They were uploaded yesterday, late afternoon. I'll update when I hear something.
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    U.S. appeals court upholds Volkswagen's $10 billion diesel settlement

    Given the way the settlement fund was set up, it wasn't $10B put in as a lump sum, it was at the start $1.5B went in, then as it was spent down, more was put in. It's not like there is a $10B pile of cash somewhere at the start they have been pulling from. VW refills the pool as it is used up...
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    Current buy back timeline?

    Must have been the July 4 holiday. I just got the offer package late today, so 4th business day after I sent in the documents for step 15. Off to get the notary done and get the date listing so I know how much time I have for my wife to pick her car out.
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    Current buy back timeline?

    I got all checkmarks in step 15 yesterday, so likely today or tomorrow will have the offer. Notary is in town, so no issue getting that done, only issue is what the openings are at the dealer, but they seem to get quite a few in, the storage lot they put them in empties and fills again in about...
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    Current buy back timeline?

    I was planning on the fix, until they started selling the fixed ones CPO, 2 years everything covered, plus the emissions warranty. It's hard to pass up turning in 1 car and getting 2. So I had them reset the car back to step 8 I think it was. I had to wait a day or two to get the reset to go...
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    2015 Gen 3 Fix Phase 2

    When does the warranty kick in? The first part of phase 2 or the second? I'm looking at a manual 2015 with under 40k on it, and it says it has a modification complete listed as partial when I put in the VIN over on the vw page. It says the warranty is pending. Any idea what that means...
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    ACTUAL purchases of '15 USED (buyback) TDIs

    So is there any way to "order" one? Meaning does the dealer have the ability to look for one that is in the queue to get fixed and return to circulation? My wife is looking for a specific color combination, which I had to fly to get for her when we bought new in 2014. Now I'm looking to do a...
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    37 Parking Lots

    The 83% number does make me wonder what they plan to do to get that to 85%. I guess I'm one of the 2% waiting, to get the fix warranty to go as far out as possible, and won't get the fix until the fall. But as 2018 comes to a close, they have to find another 2% or come up with a boatload more...