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  1. jptbay

    2019 Chevy Silverado 3.0L I-6 diesel

    These inline duramax's seem to be working out pretty well. Any stories to share? Might consider a new pickup with this engine.
  2. jptbay

    BEW MAP mystery - please help.

    Checked with my tuner and he suggested the ECU might be fried. Bought a used ecu, plugged it in, and sure enough all the boost errors are gone. Sending out the ecu's Monday to get cloned and immo delete. What a relief!! Thanks @Vince Waldon & @Mozambiquer !!
  3. jptbay

    BEW MAP mystery - please help.

    That makes a lot of sense. Would explain how continuaty test of these two wires still passes as well. I will dig deeper into this particular harness. Thanks!
  4. jptbay

    BEW MAP mystery - please help.

    ^^ Will check again shortly. VCDS with Map unplugged still showed very high, just slightly different at 2196.0 Which circuit should be showing no voltage? I wonder if I try unplugging other sensors if I can get narrowed in on a fault?
  5. jptbay

    BEW MAP mystery - please help.

    Curious, voltage at both g31 pins, sensor unhooked. Pin 3 violet/red 4.98 v Pin 4 yellow/black 5.63 v
  6. jptbay

    BEW MAP mystery - please help.

    Will go out and check. Back in a while. Thanks.
  7. jptbay

    BEW MAP mystery - please help.

    Having trouble with this car (A4 BEW Jetta Tiptronic), and I can’t figure it out. Been trying as time will allow, but the pressure is on now as I was hoping to have the car running for my daughter who is starting college soon. Car starts and runs, but no power. No codes. Fault showing in MAP...
  8. jptbay

    Anyone ever seen a "stuck" MAP sensor?

    Currently plagued with this. Tuned BEW with 3 Bar map. Map went bad 2 years ago. VCDS reading stuck at 2193 mbar. Replaced MAP and problem fixed. Now, same symptoms. Replaced MAP again with new unit, but VCDS reading still reports 2193 mbar. Group 22 Shut-off status shows 002 system...
  9. jptbay

    Quick BEW limp like pointers

    Well almost 2 years to the day and looks like another 3 bar map is shot. Same symptoms, same VCDS readings. I bought a Bosch PN 281002401 last time. Looks like there is a supersession to newer 3 bar map Bosch PN 0281002976. Hopefully it has better longevity.
  10. jptbay

    Looking for a Mk4 radio cage.

    Thanks Simon. Should have updated the thread. I got one from our kind member in North Bay.
  11. jptbay

    Looking for a Mk4 radio cage.

    PM sent.
  12. jptbay

    Looking for a Mk4 radio cage.

    Looking for a good mk4 radio cage someone is willing to ship to Thunder Bay. Fixing up a wagon and the one in this car has been hacked apart for a custom install. Thanks all.
  13. jptbay

    Upgraded TDIClub forums

    Can the quick navigation menu be put into use here? This looks like Xenforo's answer to vBulletin's quick forum jump that used to be at the bottom of each forum page. I really miss this feature, and find it awkward to navigate to other forum discussion areas now. Thanks. Otherwise place is...
  14. jptbay

    EGR Cleaning Questions for ALH

  15. jptbay

    Upgraded TDIClub forums

    Got a couple letters right. Whoops.
  16. jptbay

    Upgraded TDIClub forums

    Thanks for all your hard work Fred. An excellent transition. Few things I'm missing or improvements: 1. No longer seems to be a quick forum jump feature. That was handy. 2. I as well enjoyed having more posts per page. I set mine at 100 I think. 3. I'm trying to clean up my old PM's, or...
  17. jptbay

    Aftermarket axle (09A driver side)

    I've posted this here before, but here it is again. SKF offers an inner tripod joint kit that seems to be only available in the European market. I've bought them before from Amazon Germany or UK, and eBay. SKF VKJA 8014 is the part number. Easy to swap the joint on the axle. You don't need...
  18. jptbay

    Aftermarket axle (09A driver side) has quality axles for BEW autos with tiptronic. OEM were not even available from the dealer last fall when I was shopping for one. The R axles unit was top quality OEM unit with new VW joints. The inner tripod joint looked somewhat improved as it was slightly larger. Was...