Search results

  1. Marchmen

    VW Canada Settlement - $2.1 Billion

    I purchased my car less than a week after this mess hit the news and I agree that I did pay less than I would have had to pay prior. But the value of my car now has been affected as well since September 18th because of decisions VW has made since September 18th. The market for these cars now...
  2. Marchmen

    VW Canada Settlement - $2.1 Billion

    The only option available to those of us (me) who purchased the car after September 18 2015 is an Approved Emissions Modification (providing the car lasts until approval). I believe our friends south of the border had the option of a buyback at a lesser amount than those who owner their car...
  3. Marchmen

    VW Canada Settlement - $2.1 Billion The deal allows owners to sell their vehicles back to Volkswagen Canada Inc., trade them in for new vehicles or have them repaired. Payments will range from $5,100 to...
  4. Marchmen

    Mk6 windshield cost

    He replaced my MK6 golf glass last year for $300
  5. Marchmen

    Car Detailing - Product Combinations - Availability Ontario / Canada Results will depend more on how the products are applied rather than the specific product. If you are applying by hand, your results will be very limited.
  6. Marchmen

    Cabin FA intake

    Excellent choice; you'll need to drive farther up the 400 now though as he's in Orillia.
  7. Marchmen

    VW Settlement in the US

    This is incorrect. I purchased my car after the scandal and still received the $1000 credit because I owned the car prior to the cut-off date imposed by VW.
  8. Marchmen

    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I purchased a house for $400K in Toronto that was 'valued' at $350K three months later due to some very questionable lending practices south of the border. Even though the features of my house did not change during those 3 months and the drop in price was caused by factors beyond my control, I...
  9. Marchmen

    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Those that purchased the car cheaper now also paid market price.
  10. Marchmen

    DieselGate -> TDI pricing

    I picked up a 2012 Golf TDI (Comfortline) from a Toyota dealership a few weeks after 'dieselgate' happened. Deals can be found if you stay on top of what's for sale and you act quickly. I found this car on Car Guru's.
  11. Marchmen

    Ontario Goverment's Plan for TDIs

    Why do you use the term weasel?
  12. Marchmen

    Year and Mileage Check

    passed the 400 k mark 1996: 468,000 km windex - b4v - Sold. 1997: 454,051 km peewee b4s-Sold 1998: 637,000 km 1998 diesel4ever (my niece) 521,000 km 1998 soundchk 463,289 km 1998 rhyland 442,569 km 1998 gaddman 390,000 km 1998 chaloux (beetle) 248,270 km 1998 p2b 197,940 km 1998 keks 98,500 km...
  13. Marchmen

    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    I believe I can be included in your 'everyone else' comment seeing that I did buy one of these cars and my car has delivered on what I purchased it for. It gets me from Point A to Point B in a safe, comfortable, fuel efficient manner. This is another one of those FACTS!
  14. Marchmen

    Ontario Goverment's Plan for TDIs

    North America is only concerned with NOX produced by diesel passenger cars. As a result, higher CO2 amounts is completely acceptable.
  15. Marchmen

    US Recall Ontario has finally chimed in
  16. Marchmen

    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    And then there were more....
  17. Marchmen

    Volkswagen's Clean Air Act violations on 2009+ TDIs spark huge recall, investigations

    Out of curiosity, what would have made you happy at the dealership that day? I can't think of any situation (even prior to the negative press) where you would have left the dealership feeling like you were better off than you were before; given that cars are depreciable assets and not investments.
  18. Marchmen

    US Recall

    Would it be cheaper to obtain a second ECU? One to contain the updated flash from the dealer (in the event sticker renewal requires proof of update) and one for everyday driving until the next renewal?
  19. Marchmen

    US Recall

    The emission test vary across Canada by province as they do across the US by state. There was not a recall notice issued for Canada (as of yet) because the issue is not safety related (interpreted to be physical safety rather than health related). As for the Ontario emission test, there is...
  20. Marchmen

    Got shook by a Cr tdi

    Why doesn't that surprise me. ;)